The DNs were interviewed three times using semi structured interviews (21). They were interviewed before the implementation started, 2 months after the implementation had started and finally after the implementation period had finished. The first interview was based on an interview guide with questions on topics such as experiences of communication, and the needs of people with chronic illness accessibility to care. The interview guide was developed from earlier literature and research describing the use of ICT in health care. The interview opened with the question, ‘Please tell me about your experiences of caring for and communicating with people with chronic illness living at home and their needs regarding care and communication with DNs’. Follow-up questions such as ‘Can you give an example?’, ‘What happened then?’ or ‘How did you feel then?’ were asked. The interviews lasted for about 40 minutes each. The remaining interviews were conducted 2 months after the implementation started and after it finished. An interview guide was also used this time and contained topics such as communication, the needs of people with chronic illness for accessibility to care, security and difficulties. Questions deriving directly from the answers given in the pre-implementation interviews and questions about experiences of using ICT were also asked. The interviews lasted for about 30 minutes each time. All the interviews were conducted in the DNs’ work place, were tape-recorded and later transcribed verbatim.