On the whole it seems that menocchio's place in the small world of montereale wasn't the most negligible.
in 1581 he had been mayor of the village and surrounding hamlets (Gaio, Grizzo, san Lonardo, san Mattino) as well as, at an unspecified date, "camarato" or administrator of the parish church of Montereale.
We don,t know if here, as in other localities of the Friuli, the old system of rotating offices had been replaced by elections.
if the latter were true,the fact that he knew how to "read,write, and add" might have given Menocchio an advantage.
Ad-ministeators, in fact were almost always selected from among persons who had attended an elementary public school, even learning perhaps a little Latin.
Schools of this type existed at Aviano and at Pordenone; Menocchio may have attended one of these.