Babies start laughing very soon after they’re born. Deafand people can laugh even though they ve never seen or heard anyone laughing. Laughing seems to be a part of human nature,but what’s it for?
Many people think that we laugh because we see or hear something funny, but most of the time this isn’t true. In one study, a professor of psychology and his students listened in and made notes on hundreds of conversations in public places. They heard about 1,200 laughs, but only 10-20 percent came after a joke or something funny. The other 80-90 percent followed normal, everyday expressions like, “I’ll see you later” or, “It was nice to meet you.”
No one really knows why we laugh, but one idea is that the most important reason for laughing is to make other people feel good when you laugh, the people around you often start laughing too. Soon, the whole group is cheerful and relaxed. Laughter can stop negative feelings and help people to feel closer to each other. It may be that thousands of years ago, before people could speak, laughter helped them to form groups and work together.
It also seems that laughter can be good for your health. Laughing a hundred times uses the same energy as riding on an exercise bike for fifteen minutes. The writer Norman Cousins, who suffers from back pain, wrote that watching comedy programmes on TV helped him to feel better. He said that ten minutes of laughter gave him two hours of pain-free sleep.