とりあえずアイテムを確認する。アイテム 2000ゴルド野ウサギの肉×5 野ウサギの毛皮×5【キャンプセット】 普通の服 ブーツ ナイフ 初心 การแปล - とりあえずアイテムを確認する。アイテム 2000ゴルド野ウサギの肉×5 野ウサギの毛皮×5【キャンプセット】 普通の服 ブーツ ナイフ 初心 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

とりあえずアイテムを確認する。アイテム 2000ゴルド野ウサギの肉×5


アイテム 2000ゴルド
野ウサギの肉×5 野ウサギの毛皮×5
【キャンプセット】 普通の服 ブーツ ナイフ 初心者ポーション×10

































山野マサル ヒューマン ニート

HP 34/17+17
MP 25/35
力 5+5
体力 5+5
敏捷 4
器用 11
魔力 17

スキル 9P
剣術Lv2 肉体強化Lv2 スキルリセット ラズグラドワールド標準語














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เป็น: -
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
For the time being to check items.Item 2000 GoldHare meat x 5 Hare fur x 5[Camping set] of ordinary clothes boots knife newbie potion x 10 Now dressed in gray Hoodie jeans, shoes, sandals. Items out of clothes and boots and get dressed. Made of sturdy cloth clothes a little stiff but. Boots is like ordinary leather boots, also the size was perfect. Will had written in ordinary clothes and maybe in this nondescript town. Camp set in the canteen because refill with water and enriches the thirst. Has finally settled down."Now is the town. Stay just like Igby in rabbits is not " Walk 30 minutes, came into view in the far wall. Apparently the town walls surrounded seems. So keep saw what appeared to be a gate at the left to go that way. Soldiers move closer and road, with a spear in the gate stood 2. A is digging deep face, even foreigners."Identity." Effect of razgrad world standard language skills could understand words."Didn't have what the identity card is? If from here. " One of the soldiers taken in the building next to the gate."You write letters? Please write name and origin "and proffered the notes. Read letters, and so I told the pen, try to write the name. Apparently automatically converts them to characters here, looks like moving fingers. Born to do. Write places of Japan home for the time being.See yamanomasar?. Heh? Never heard the name new '"Yes, country person scripter in the to to to" Apparently so convinced was it seems. An easy-peasy."Came here and then what? 」"Oh and uh, adventurers Guild on line effects""Become adventurers from the countryside come?" The soldiers stare and presumptuous to offer."Admission to the city's 10 gold. If you hope issued the identification card at the Guild ID show it becomes free. And I hear no criminal record? 」"Yes, no" Open the menu and think of 10 gold coins devolve to the Palm. It's like pennies. 10 from 1 gold coin one? One of the soldiers while giving."Okay, welcome to the shore towns. You know, goes straight through the gate Guild location. Waist sword is sharp in the town. Fighting with weapons and magic is banned in the town " The town fairly crowded. Near the gate is lined with stalls, selling food and often do not know what."So, do not buy there brother?? Rabbit meat is freshly baked and Bravo. 1 book 1 gold. " Speaking of out of home today from not eating nothing. 1 gold out of the item, get 1 book skewers. It's smells good. Salty soft meat spread to the mouth. Buy additional five liked and eat while walking. Words and the food is not bad. 2000 Gold at 200000 yen as Yen at skewers 1 1 gold. Lives for the time being the alright, yeah. When I finish eating while walking seemed big respectable buildings. Shore commercial guilds and written on the signboard. There was also wrote next to it adventurers Guild building. Pattern with the weapon of bad guys in and out. Little rough and you're wondering at the entrance trying to have instinctively cares. Adventurer Guild tomorrow will, Yes. That's first place. I hope, from the serious beginning tomorrow! 道を戻って串焼きを買った屋台のおっちゃんにいい宿がないか聞いてみると竜の息吹亭という冒険者ご用達の宿を教えてもらった。一泊朝食付きで20ゴルド。昼と夜は食堂があるのでそこで金を出して食うのだが、美味くて安い料理を出してくれるんだそうだ。 店はほどなく見つかった。この町、区画整理が行き届いているのか道がまっすぐ整備されていて初めてでも迷子にはなりそうにない親切設計だ。宿は二階建てで店内は結構広い。カウンターとテーブル席で50人くらいは座れるだろうか。5人ほど、まばらに客が座っている。店にはいると貫禄のあるおばちゃんに出迎えられた。「いらっしゃーい。あいてるとこに座っとくれ」「宿を取りたいんですが」「あんたー、宿のほうのお客さんだよ」 奥からはげたひょろっとしたおっさんが出てきた。「一泊20ゴルドで朝食はつきます。昼と夜は食堂がありますのでそちらで注文を」 聞いていた通りの内容なので一泊を頼み二階の部屋に案内してもらう。ベッドが一つだけある小さい部屋だが掃除は行き届いているようで安心した。シーツもきちんと洗濯されてるようだ。鍵はないがうちからカンヌキが掛けられるタイプで安心できる。ブーツを脱ぎ、ベッドに寝転がりメニューを開く。山野マサル ヒューマン ニートレベル1HP 34/17+17MP 25/35力 5+5体力 5+5敏捷 4器用 11魔力 17スキル 9P剣術Lv2 肉体強化Lv2 スキルリセット ラズグラドワールド標準語生活魔法 HPとMPが回復してるな。時間経過で回復するんだろうか。このあたりも調べておかないと。だが最優先はスキルだ。【剣術Lv2】剣を扱うスキル。一般兵なみの剣術。【肉体強化Lv2】力と体力、HPに+100%の補正。 サービスでつけてもらっただけあって2つともかなり使えるスキルだ。9Pしかない現状、方向性は2つ考えられる。いまある剣術と肉体強化をあげるか、ステータスの高い魔力を生かして魔法を覚えるかだ。剣術を2から4に2段階あげると7P。魔法なら火魔法が5Pにレベルを2にあげて計7Pになる。魔法を覚えるにしても問題は消費MPだがちょっと調べてみるか。 生活魔法の3つのうち火と水は部屋では使えないので浄化魔法でテストをする。現在のMPは25。とりあえず体に浄化をかけてみる。うん、なんとなくすっきりした気がする。汗くささがなくなったようだ。MPは22に減っていた。歯を磨いてないことを思い出して口の中を浄化してみる。一瞬で口の中がすっきりした。これは便利だな。歯がつるつるになってる。MPは21になっていた。浄化の面積によって変わるんだろうか。 この部屋全体を浄化できるかな?体の5倍として15くらいMP使えばなんとかなるか?浄化を部屋全体にかける。そこそこ綺麗な部屋だったが、土足で入るため床はそこそこ汚れていたのがピカピカになっていた。そのまま寝転がっても大丈夫なくらいだ。MPはちょうど15消費して残り6に。消費MPの調節も簡単にできるみたいだな。指定がなければ自動で必要量が消費されて指定があればそれに従う感じだろうか。 残りMP6で着ている服に浄化をかけてみる。使った瞬間ヒザががくりと落ち、床に倒れこみそのまま意識を失った。 床で目を覚ますと夕方のようだった。床を浄化しといたのは不幸中の幸いだった。MPは3回復している。MPを使い切るとやばい。魔法はもうちょっとMP増えるまで覚えるのはやめておこう。





การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
For now we will check the items. Item 2000 Gordes fur × 5 of hare meat × 5 hare [camp set] ordinary clothes boots knife novice potion × 10 now of dress jeans in gray Parker, shoes are sandals. To get dressed and out the clothes and boots from the item. Clothes a little stiff but I'm made ​​of sturdy cloth. Boots was the ordinary here also size like skin boots are perfect. Ordinary and was written with the clothes because it will not stand out in perhaps the town in this. There was a water bottle to camp set was supplemented with water magic and moisten the thirst. It has finally settled down. "It's the time being town. Long place, such as rabbit and come even attacked hanging can do is" enough to walk for 30 minutes, the wall has been seen in the distance. Apparently the town seems to have been surrounded by walls. The KEEP and so what appears gate looked towards the left hand toward the there. If there is a way to further approaches, the gate soldiers with a spear stood two people. Deep features of digging, even if only 's foreign. "The ID card" words to the effect of had Razz Grado world standard language skills I was able to understand. "What is it, identity card is here but if? The do not have," I will be taken to the next to the building of the gate to one of the soldiers. "Di do? This name and me wrote a born write" was the proffered notes. And to characters read, because it is a write likely feel is was to try to write the name and got the pen. Seems to me is moving finger is converted Apparently in this character automatically. Born keep writing what place name for the time being of the Japanese home ...... JOIN. "Yamanomasaru either. Hmm? No Do not's place names that you have heard," "Yeah, Nde such more of the countryside, Hehehe" seems apparently was Could convinced by it. It easy-peasy. "What was it was Niki is here?" "Well, adventurer of going to the guild," "whether from the countryside to have become the adventurer" staringly presumptuous to admire soldiers. "It's the admission fee is 10 Gordes to the town., If I issue the ID card in the Guild to become free if Misere the ID card. I hear once but criminal record is no Na?" "Yes, there is not" open the menu 10 coins in the palm of your hand to think and Gordes had subsided. It seems pennies. Because there ten one copper coin is 1 Gordes or. Giving while counted soldier. "Well, I. Guild of place to welcome in the town of Shiorii Do not pull in the town straight to go if it is found. Waist sword missing gates. Quarrel with weapons and magic's ban in the town," the whole town is so so It was crowded. Near the gate I was selling what you do not know food or well is lined with stalls. "Way, but good'll .1 this one Gordes in is freshly baked bottom of the brother bought or not Ika doing? Rabbit meat" Come to think of it today is not anything to eat it from out of the house. One to get the comb by issuing a 1 Gordes from the item. It's a good smell. Salty soft meat is mouth-filling. Eat while walking to buy in five additional so favorite. Words also not bad food to lead. ¥ 200,000 in 2000 Gordes as 100 yen comb one by one Gordes. Immediate life 's okay. A big excellent building the time you finish eating while walking appeared. To sign it is written Shiorii commercial guild. There was a further building that wrote the Adventurers Guild next to it. Bad guys of the handle with a weapon is out. If you're wondering is whether attempting to enter at the entrance, you've been thinking about-face and because it was glared and rugged for the .... Adventurer's Guild is trying to tomorrow, yeah. First of all, it's inn. 'm Good, because out serious from tomorrow! I had taught the adventurers misuse our inn that when I asked whether there is a good inn to uncle of stalls who bought the skewers back the road dragon Ibuki-tei. 20 Gordes one night with breakfast. Is he eat by issuing the where gold because there is a dining room day and night, but it's so gonna put a cheap cuisine is well. Shop was found soon. This town, it's kind design not whether likely to become for the first time but lost have been straight developed the way readjustment in good condition. Inn store is quite wide in a two-story. It will sit enough 50 people at the counter and table seating. About five people, sitting is sparsely customers. It was greeted by aunt with dignity When you enter the store. "Ira~tsu Sha-i. Eitel sitting O me to Toko" "I want to take the inn, but" "Anda, visitor's yo towards the inn" is lanky old man that is bald from the back came out. "Breakfast in the night 20 Gordes sticks. Day and night there in the order because there is a dining room" to get guidance on the second floor of the room asked the night because it is the contents of the street that had been heard. Bed It's small room there is only one, but was relieved in as attentive to cleaning. Sheets also seems to have been properly washing. The key is not but I can rest assured of a type yoke is applied from within. Take off the boots, to open the menu Nekorogari to bed. Yamano Masaru Human neat level 1 HP 34/17 + 17 MP 25/35 force 5 + 5 stamina 5 + 5 Agility 4 dexterity 11 magic 17 skill 9P swordsmanship Lv2 body strengthening Lv2 skill reset regardless Grado world standard language life magic I HP and MP is recovering. I wonder do recover over time. This area is also a Failure to examine. But top priority's skills. [Fencing Lv2] skills to handle a sword. Fencing of the general soldiers wave. [Body strengthening Lv2] power and physical strength, HP to + 100% of the correction. It's quite usable skills even two I met I just got put in the service. There is only present situation 9P, direction are considered two. Or raise the fencing and body enhancements is now, I do remember the magic and taking advantage of the high status magic. Swordsmanship from 2 to raise four in two stages and 7P. The magic if fire magic is a total 7P by raising the level to 2 to 5P. Do it any problem to learn the magic you examine consumption MP but a little. It makes a test in the purification magic because three of the fire and the water of life magic can not be used in the room. The current MP 25. We try to time being multiplied by the purification of the body. Yeah, I feel that somehow it was refreshing to. It seems to sweat grass of is gone. MP was reduced to 22. Try to clean the inside of the mouth and remember that you do not brush your teeth. In the mouth it has been clean in an instant. I It's convenient. Teeth have become slippery. MP had become 21. I wonder do vary depending on the area of purification. I wonder if this room can purify the whole? Or somehow it made ​​it if you use MP about 15 as five times the body? I bet the purification to the entire room. It was reasonably clean room, the bed had become shiny that had decent dirt to enter with shoes. It's much okay even as it is lying down. MP for the remaining 6 just 15 consuming. It seems easy to do even the regulation of consumption MP. If specified specified is consumed is necessary amount automatically if there is or would be felt in accordance with it. Try over the purification in clothes you are wearing in the rest MP6. Moment with knee fell and theories, as it is consciousness crowded fell to the floor and lost. It was like the evening when wake up on the floor. And it was allowed to clean the floor was a blessing in disguise. MP has three recovery. The dangerous when used up the MP. Magic, let us stop and remember it until a little MP increase is. When I put because there was a skill that is remaining 2P something no one to look and watch 1P waving 7P in swordsmanship, date and time are displayed on the menu. 08 pm According to it now 613 years September 11 17. Late summer or with a Japanese. The climate in the pleasant temperature I to the fall-ish feel. [Watch] you want to display the date and time to the menu. With alarm function. [Fencing Lv4] skills to handle a sword. First-class swordsman equivalent. It takes out one of the pennies from the item. Flick a finger toward the ceiling. Unplug the sword to fall on the sword sheath put the pennies. It is a so-called Iaido. Copper coins fell to the floor had become spectacularly Mapputatsu. The workmanship is very aptly named with leading. The "dude. I in kendo something was my level 1 never do this," or 10P is to swordsmanship level 5. The next level I'm very pretend to swordplay! It has been somewhat dwarf hope!

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Just to make sure. The items of 2000 gold at the hare hare × 5 × 5. The usual method of boot camp set beginner of the knife portion 10. Sup. - well, now in Gree Hoodie Jeans Dress shoes, sandals. Remove items from clothes and boots. Sound a bit stiff clothes made of cloth. Tight boots size was more like an ordinary leather boots.Regular clothes and was probably written in this quiet town. In water magic to appease thirst because there was water bottle set in the camp. Finally settled down. It

「 town now. Such attacks even in rabbits 」

can stay long walk for about thirty minutes, far away, I saw a wall. It seems that the town is surrounded by walls. Because of the left hand and to see what is on your face. The road was even closer, andThe gate spear with two soldiers stood. Digging deep into the features, a foreign person, I think. In

「 ID 」

skill was in effect ラズグラドワールド standard language can be understood. What

「, you have no ID card? If this 」

soldiers of one of the gates of the building was taken. Write a letter

「? This one's name and submit a "write me a note. It can be read, tooI feel so as to have a pen name. It will automatically move finger as it converts the character. What... From... Write your name is now in Japan.

「 Yamano ver. Hmm? I heard it 」

「 place names, in the country, to 」

apparently satisfied with it as you like. A simple. What

「 here? " Well,

「 adventurer guild 」

let go"The soldier stared at 」

from the country or to be an adventure in the view. The

「 admission to the town's 10. Guild will only show if it is possible to free the personal identification card is issued. No criminal record I hear? " Yes, there is no

「 which falls into the palm of the hand and the gold which the 」

menu 10 coins. Like a coin. Whether one is a copper from gold. Hand counting soldiers. Well, welcome to

「 in China town.The place to see straight through the gate. The sword of the hip in town. Weapons and magic quarrel is prohibited in the crowded streets 」

reasonably. In the vicinity of the gate which is lined with stalls selling food and unsure. My brother bought a

「 there or not? Rabbit meat is fresh and delicious. It's one of the first 」

today to eat anything to get out of the house. That's one out of one item to have the skewers.Smells good. Meat savory soft in mouth full. I like this, so in addition to eat while walking. A word to the food is not bad. One stick in one's 2000 100 yen's 20 million yen. OK for now. I saw a huge fine finish eating while walking around the premises. In the erase ratio as the Commerce Guild. In addition to the adjacent buildings and adventurers guild. Arms and the handle with the wrong crowd.And I watched too much about at the entrance, so I have to turn right. The adventurers guild tomorrow, yeah. First hotel. You can really start from tomorrow! A good way to booking in bird kabob bought back some adventure and ask that the breath of the dragon and the sleeve on me. In the 20's breakfast. Day and night, so that there is a restaurant to eat, but moneyIt's me out a cheap restaurant. The shop too soon. In this town, for the first time as the road is in good maintenance readjustment straight to be lost is not likely to be helpful. The Inn at a two-story store is quite wide. Will sit at the counter and tables and chairs about 50 people. Five men sitting in sparse. In the shop were greeted with aunty of dignity.

「 thank you. In this case, you sit down with me 」

"Thank you so 」

「 I wanna Inn, the more we have guests from out of the depths 」

lanky man bald. In

「 20 per night's breakfast. In order 」

as I heard the contents so there is a dining room day and night in the upstairs room to ask for guidance. Secure the bed room is small, but there is only one so that the cleaning is good. Sheets seems to be properly washed.One type is not the key to the bolts can be relieved. The boots off, open the menu to lie down on the bed. Yamano Masaru's human too neat stress level 1 HP 34 / 17 / 17 / 25 MP at 35. 5 + 5 physical force 5 - 4 5 agility for 11 at the magic 17 at 9 P swordplay skills too Lv 2 physical enhancement Lv 2 ラズグラドワールド skill reset at standard life stress and MP HP magic recovery. You will recover in time.We don't have it here. However, the highest priority skills. He Lv 2

【 skills with a sword. As a common soldier. Physical fitness and physical power strengthening

【 Lv HP 2, 100% correct. I only had a considerable skills were both put in service. Not only P 9 is considered to have two directions. Strengthening the body, he is now a high status to learn magic magic. Swordplay from 2 to 4 and 7 P stage 2.If the magic fire magic P Level 2 to 5 in P meter 7. In order to learn magic as a problem MP consumption but just look. The magic of life among the three fire and water in the room can be used as a test by magic. The current MP 25. I try to purify the body. Yes, I feel that in some way. It seems to 汗くさ. Reduced MP 22. Remember that not is brushing her teeth in the purification.At the moment when the mouth is cleared. This is useful. In the teeth. It MP 21. Will vary depending on the area of purification. This can be a whole room clean? Five times as much to get rid of MP 15? In the whole room. But the room was clean, one for the shiny floor in the dirt. Is it OK if I just lie. MP just consume the remaining 6 to 15.Like MP consumption can be adjusted easily. I feel that if you have to specify auto consumption requirement. Try to clean clothes wearing in the rest MP 6. But the moment your utmost relish using fell, fell on the floor at the dent is lost consciousness. The floor was in and wake up in the evening. Fortunately, purify the floor was unhappy in it. MP is recovered. MP dangerous to use.Let's stop to learn a little more MP magic to increase. What remains to P 7 he waved P 2 or not and search skills that put the clock P because the date and time are displayed on the menu. And now, September 17. Around the end of summer. A good deal with the temperature to fall like a climate. To display the date and time to watch

【 menu. Alarm function. 4. Lv

【 swordplay skills with a sword.The major corresponds. Take out one sheet coppers. Flick the finger toward the ceiling. To achieve his sword in the sheath of a coin. The so-called IAI. Fell to the floor in two coppers in it. The skill is very suitable for the class.

「 dude. I'm not about Kendo in this level to level 5 or 10 P 」

swordplay. The next level in fencing pole swing! I hope my kind!
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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