Whale season, which is from May to October, passes by.
The agreement with nature lasting hundreds of years.
The time waiting for the whales grows longer and longer.
The drying racks go empty.
Caption Stefano, 47
If we can catch a whale, all of the villages can share in the catch, but all other fish are just not enough to feed everyone.
NA Whales are vital.
The village lacks fertile land.
Behind the mountain is the whale rock.
Caption Oh whale god made of stone,
Oh bird and cats gods…
NA The place where they have been calling on the whale god for generations.
They offer one chicken.
This undernourished chicken is the greatest offering the village people can make.
Caption Oh, please descend upon the sea and enable us to catch a whale.
NA A full moon rises, and then a half moon, but the whales hiding behind the horizon have not been seen.
He remembers how difficult life was the year that the whales did not come at all.
Stefano, who has been a harpoon man for 18 years, is greatly worried.
Caption In April, we caught one whale, and until now, which is August, there have been no other whales.
As a result, life has been really hard.
The food we stored since April is almost all gone.
NA Only if whales are caught can everyone from all the villages share in the food.
T In this village, even the god carries a harpoon.
Stefano prays.
Harpoons are hurled into the sea.
The village people dream of drying racks full of whale meat, and they continue to hope as their ships ride the waves.