Welcome to what is, possibly, the final edition of the Fusion Ticket Newsletter.
You will be aware that for the past year we have struggled to prepare and release a new Version of the software. Unfortunately we are no longer able to spend the necessary time and effort to continue supporting the Product in a way that, we believe, provides an acceptable level for our Users.
For several months now the major workload has fallen on Niels and Mike (mainly Niels) and for health reasons this cannot continue. Niels has been advised by his health consultants to stop FT activities and Mike is now in his eightieth year and is also in poor health. We have been very grateful for the support given on the Forum but were disappointed by the response for 'Testers' to assist with preparing the latest version for release.
So, is there any good news? There is a possibility of transferring Ownership of FT to a third party and, in fact, we have had an interesting offer. One condition we would put on any transfer would be that the Open-Source version should continue to be available to the Community (possibly on GitHub) however we would be unable to provide the support we have to date. If we put the source code on GitHub then it will be the latest available software which will be released as v1.0. It hasn't been exhaustively tested but is now considered to be stable enough for Community use.
So, with regret, we have to tell you that, as the situation stands at the moment, the Sites, will be suspended by shortly after the end of April 2016.
We are aware that some Users have taken up Donor Status in recent weeks. Funds permitting after closure costs have been assessed, we will endeavour to refund VIP donors on a pro-rata basis. Requests for a refund must be made before final accounts are filed (planned for end of April). Any further Donations will be set against closure costs.
To end on a positive note we are currently seeking, at the request of an interested third party, permission from all copyright owners of Fusion Ticket software to change the licence conditions to dual licensing. Should permission be forthcoming then, in addition to the Open-source, an alternative license will be available that will permit more commercial distribution without compromising the GPLv3 source code that will continue to be available from a repository.
Welcome to what is, possibly, the final edition of the Fusion Ticket Newsletter.You will be aware that for the past year we have struggled to prepare and release a new Version of the software. Unfortunately we are no longer able to spend the necessary time and effort to continue supporting the Product in a way that, we believe, provides an acceptable level for our Users.For several months now the major workload has fallen on Niels and Mike (mainly Niels) and for health reasons this cannot continue. Niels has been advised by his health consultants to stop FT activities and Mike is now in his eightieth year and is also in poor health. We have been very grateful for the support given on the Forum but were disappointed by the response for 'Testers' to assist with preparing the latest version for release.So, is there any good news? There is a possibility of transferring Ownership of FT to a third party and, in fact, we have had an interesting offer. One condition we would put on any transfer would be that the Open-Source version should continue to be available to the Community (possibly on GitHub) however we would be unable to provide the support we have to date. If we put the source code on GitHub then it will be the latest available software which will be released as v1.0. It hasn't been exhaustively tested but is now considered to be stable enough for Community use.So, with regret, we have to tell you that, as the situation stands at the moment, the Sites, will be suspended by shortly after the end of April 2016.We are aware that some Users have taken up Donor Status in recent weeks. Funds permitting after closure costs have been assessed, we will endeavour to refund VIP donors on a pro-rata basis. Requests for a refund must be made before final accounts are filed (planned for end of April). Any further Donations will be set against closure costs. To end on a positive note we are currently seeking, at the request of an interested third party, permission from all copyright owners of Fusion Ticket software to change the licence conditions to dual licensing. Should permission be forthcoming then, in addition to the Open-source, an alternative license will be available that will permit more commercial distribution without compromising the GPLv3 source code that will continue to be available from a repository.
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