ご案内です。> 転送されたメッセージ:> > 差出人: 日本化学会メール通信 > 日付: October 21, 2015 at 08:35 การแปล - ご案内です。> 転送されたメッセージ:> > 差出人: 日本化学会メール通信 > 日付: October 21, 2015 at 08:35 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

ご案内です。> 転送されたメッセージ:> > 差出人: 日本化学会メー


> 転送されたメッセージ:
> 差出人: 日本化学会メール通信
> 日付: October 21, 2015 at 08:35:04 GMT+9
> 宛先: 堤治
> 件名: ■化学技術基礎講座 高分子の構造物性相関解明のためのキャラクタリゼーション講座-複雑な構造もやり方一つでここまで分かる!入門から応用まで徹底講義ー
> ■━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━■
> ☆日本化学会メール通信☆2015-10-21号(全国配信)
> 発信日◇平成27年10月21日
> 発信元◇日本化学会
> ■━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━■
> 堤 治 様 (会員番号:1940615400)
> 高分子の構造物性相関解明のためのキャラクタリゼーション講座
> -複雑な構造もやり方一つでここまで分かる!入門から応用まで徹底講義ー
> http://www.chemistry.or.jp/event/calendar/2015/07/T151119.html
> ◇主催:日本化学会産学交流委員会
> ◇会期:2015年11月19日(木)・20日(金)
> ◇会場:化学会館(東京都千代田区)
> ◇主査:田代孝二(豊田工大)
> ◇趣旨:高分子材料の物性を深く理解しようとする場合、最も基本的に重要な
> 構造情報(化学構造、分子量、 分子立体構造、分子鎖集合状態など)の
> 詳細を知ることが不可欠です。皆さんは、そのために様々の装置を駆使して
> 沢山のデータ収集を行なっておられると想像します。しかし、その山積みの
> データをきっちり定量的に「解析」できていますか?解析結果を上手く「解釈」
> できていますか?この講座は、単なる入門講座ではありません。
> キャラクタリゼーションもうまく行えば、ここまで深く突っ込んだ情報が
> 得られる!この点を強く実感していただくことを念頭に、基礎概念導入を
> 皮切りに、とことん突っ込んだキャラクタリゼーションテクニックまでを
> 系統的に教授します。
> ◇対象:人事異動や配置転換、新規事業の開始等によって、新たに当該技術の
> 知識獲得を目指す中堅技術者およびプロの研究者。当該分野の化学的知識を基礎
> から学びたいと考える技術系新入社員。化学企業への就職を希望する化学系学生。
> ◇参加費 個人正会員(法人会員含む)25,000円、学生会員 10,000円、非会員 40,000円
> ※会期初日夕刻の懇親会費は無料、2日間の昼食代は上記参加費に含みます。
> ※請求書は申込受理通知メールに記載のURLより発行ください。
> ※開催翌月の月末までにお振込ください。
> ◇申込:https://event.csj.jp/form/view.php?id=106730
> ◇募集人員:50名(10名より催行)
> ◇プログラム
> 11月19日(木) 10時~17時10分 (終了後懇親会)
> 10:00-10:20 講座の開始にあたって
> 田代 孝二(豊田工大)
> 10:20-11:20 製品開発のための高分子キャラクタリゼーション
> ~その威力を発現するには~
> 加藤 信子(元(株)ブリヂストン)
> 有機材料、高分子材料はさまざまな分野の製品として使われている。
> 新機能を発現する材料の開発では、ますます高度な分子設計、
> 金属・無機材料との複合化、ハイブリッド化が進められ、多くの
> イノベーションを起こしている。これら材料発のイノベーションを
> 支えてきた高分子キャラクタリゼーションについて、事例紹介も交え、
> 新製品開発に携わる方に必要なマインドセットを解説する。
> 11:20-11:30 インキュベーションタイム
> 11:30-13:00 高分子の結晶、非晶、高次構造解析(広角・小角X線散乱)
> 佐々木 園 (京都工芸繊維大)
> 分子レベルから高次構造まで高分子のもつ階層構造を明確にすることは、
> 高分子材料のマクロスコピックな特性をミクロスコピックな分子設計に
> よって実現するための鍵といえる。広角および小角X線散乱法は、
> そのような高分子の複雑な凝集構造を調べる上で不可欠である。
> X線散乱法の基礎を解説するとともに、放射光を用いた最先端の
> 構造研究にまで言及する。
> 13:00-14:20 ランチミーティング
> 14:20-15:50 高分子鎖の形態と原子間・分子間相互作用(振動分光)
> 田代 孝二(豊田工大)
> 赤外ラマンスペクトルは高分子の官能基の同定にだけ使われるのではない。
> 高分子鎖の形態や集合状態、さらに驚くことにはナノスケールの
> モルフォロジーをも敏感に反映する。振動分光の高分子への応用について
> 分かりやすく、かつ高度なレベルで解説するとともに、実際の構造解析への
> 応用例を提示する。
> 15:50-16:10インキュベーションタイム・休憩
> 16:10-17:10 ここまでわかる最先端の高分子キャラクタリゼーション(その1)
> 田代 孝二(豊田工大)
> 高分子は分子量の定まらない、かつ極めて複雑な集合組織を呈する
> 「不可思議な」材料である。従って構造の詳細など分かるはずがない...
> そんな風に初めからあきらめている人が数多くいる。残念ながら、
> それは誤解である。高分子の複雑な構造と運動性そして物性との関わりを
> 様々のレベルから明らかにすること、これこそがキャラクタリゼーションの
> 本命である。高分子材料の高度化と高分子キャラクタリゼーション技術の
> 進展は車の両輪のように相まって今日に至っている。ここでは最先端の高分子
> キャラクタリゼーションの応用事例を紹介する。
> 17:15-18:40 懇親会
> 11月20日(金) 9時30分~16時30分
> 9:30-11:00 分子量と分子量分布(質量分析・クロマトグラフィー・光散乱)
> 中村 洋(京大)
> 高分子に特徴的な量である分子量と分子量分布についてその定義と概念を
> 理解する。その上で高分子の研究開発に不可欠な分子量とその分布の
> 種々の決定方法について、それぞれの測定原理と特徴を示す。高分子を
> 分子量の観点からどのように理解できるのか、その基礎から最先端までを
> 分かりやすく解説する。
> 11:00-11:10 インキュベーションタイム
> 11:10-12:40 高分子の構造と運動性(溶液および固体NMR)
> 浅野 敦志(防大)
> 高分子の静的構造のみならず動的構造を理解することは、高分子材料の
> 使用状況下における物性・機能を設計する上で極めて重要である。NMR法は
> 溶液あるいは固体における高分子の構造および運動性を知る上で極めて優れた
> 手法である。本講義では、そのノウハウを分かりやすく講義する。
> 12:40-13:40 昼食
> 13:40-14:40 ここまでわかる最先端の高分子キャラクタリゼーション(その2)
> 田代 孝二(豊田工大)
> 前半に続いて最先端の高分子キャラクタリゼーションの応用事例を紹介する。
> 14:40-14:50 インキュベーションタイム
> 14:50-15:30 高分子の新しい姿を捉える 最先端巨大科学(放射光、中性子)の紹介
> 田代 孝二(豊田工大)/佐々木 園 (京都工芸繊維大)
> 放射光や中性子施設など最新巨大科学の高分子研究に対する貢献について紹介する。
> 15:30-15:50 インキュベーションタイム・休憩
> 15:50-16:30 総合ディスカッション「高分子キャラクタリゼーションの難しさと重要性」
> 田代 孝二(豊田工大)
> ◇連絡先:日本化学会 企画部 河瀬
> E-mail sangaku@chemistry.or.jp
> TEL 03-3292-6163
> ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
> 配信先変更・配信予定日・原稿掲載等について
> ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> このメールは、メールマガジン購読を希望いただいている会員の方にお送りして
> います。
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ■配信停止や配信先アドレスの変更は日本化学会マイページからお願いします。
> https://mypage.csj.jp/mycsj/
> 変更反映まで、1週間ほどかかる場合があります。
> ■毎月1日と15日頃に配信します(月2回)。
> ■日本化学会へご連絡は下記までお願いします。
> E-mail:info@chemistry.or.jp
> 担当部署別の連絡先 http://csj.jp/kaimu/office/jimukyoku.html
> ■本メールは送信専用メールアドレスから配信されています。
> 返信されても回答が出来ませんのでご了承下さい。 配信に関する問合せは
> kanto@chemistry.or.jp にお願いします。
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Copyright(2015) 日本化学会 〒101-8307 東京都千代田区神田駿河台1-5
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
It is a guide.> Forwarded message:> > From: Japan Chemical Society of email communication > Date: October 21, 2015 at 08: 35: 04 GMT+9> Destination: embankment treatment > Subject: ♦ chemical technology Foundation Department of polymer structure properties correlation analysis for characterization Department-more complex structures in the way one shows so far! From beginner to advanced thorough lecture.> > ■━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━■> ☆ Japan chemical society email communication ☆ 2015 - 10 - 21 Edition (national delivery)> Submission date-10/21/2015> Source-the Chemical Society of Japan> ■━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━■> Submit clinical person (number: 1940615400) > > ><<< chemical technology basic course >>>> Polymer structure properties correlation analysis for characterization laboratory > - A complex structure you can see so far in one way! From beginner to advanced thorough lecture.> > of http://www.chemistry.or.jp/event/calendar/2015/07/T151119.html> >-Sponsored by: Japan chemical industry relations Committee>-Period: 11/19/2015 (Thursday)-20, (Friday)>-Venue: Chemistry building (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)>-Chairman: Koji Tashiro (Toyota technological Inst.)> >-Aim: when trying to understand the physical properties of polymeric materials, the most fundamentally important> Structural information (chemical structure, molecular weight, molecular conformation, molecular aggregation States, etc.)It is essential to know > more. We use various equipment to> Lots of data collection are who we imagine. However, mounting> Data tightly to "parse" is? Analysis results better interpretations> Are you ready? This course is not just a lecture.If > characterization is well done, far deeper in-depth information> Get! We feel strongly that, bearing in mind fundamental concept introducedUp to > starting a thoroughly in-depth characterization techniques> To the professor.> >-Target: personnel changes and the relocation and new businesses start to the new relevant technologies> Knowledge acquisition mid-level technicians and professional researchers. That basic chemical knowledge in the relevant fieldTechnology of recruits from > want to learn and think. Chemistry students seeking employment in the chemical industry.> >-Fee individual regular members (including the Member) 25000 yen, student $ 10000 and 40000 yen for non-members> * Date first day evening party membership is free, the above fee includes lunch for two days.> * Invoices must publish the application acceptance notification email than stated URL.> * Place month after month before payment.> >-Application of:https://event.csj.jp/form/view.php?id=106730>-Applicants: 50 (10 tours)> > Program management> > 11/19 (Thursday) 10 pm-17:10 (end-after party)> Getting started course > 10:00 - 10:20> Kohji Tashiro (Toyota technological Inst.)> > 10:20 - 11:20 product development for polymer characterization>-To develop the power-> Makoto Kato (Bridgestone source co., Ltd.)> > Organic and polymer materials are used as the product of a wide variety of fields.> New materials development, molecular design, and increasingly sophisticated> Metals and inorganic and composite and hybrid system is underway, many> Innovation has caused. These materials innovationSome examples for sustained > polymer characterization,Explain the mindset towards involved in > new product development required.> > 11:20 - 11:30 incubation time.> > 11:30 - 13:00 polymer crystals, amorphous, and higher-order structure analysis (wide angle and small-angle x-ray scattering).> Sono Sasaki (Kyoto Inst. of technology)> To clarify the hierarchical structure > molecular level to the higher-order structure of polymerA > polymer macroscopic characteristics of microscopic molecular designBy achieving > key said. Wide angle and small angle x-ray scattering,> Essential in studying the complex aggregation structures such as polymers.Art of explaining the basics > x-ray scattering using synchrotron radiation> Structural research on up to mention.> > 13:00 - 14:20 lunch.> > 14:20 - 15:50 polymer morphology and atomic time-Intermolecular interactions (vibrational spectroscopy)> Kohji Tashiro (Toyota technological Inst.)I don't > infrared Raman spectroscopy is used only for identification of the functional groups of macromolecules.> Polymer morphology and aggregation State, even surprise on the nano-scale> Morphology and to reflect. Application of vibrational spectroscopy of polymers> Easy to understand and describe at a high level, as well as the actual structure analysis> Application example to present.> > 15:50 - 16:10 incubation time and rest.> Of-the-art polymer characterization (1) > 16:10 - 17:10 you can see here> Kohji Tashiro (Toyota technological Inst.)> > Polymers of molecular weight of disorienting, and presents a more complex textureIn > "weird". So do not know, such as the details of the structure.> There are many people who have given up since the beginning in such a way. Unfortunately,> It is a misunderstanding. A complex structure of polymers and motility, and properties of the relation between> Different levels reveal, this characterization> Favorite should. Advanced polymer materials and polymer characterization techniques> Progress combined with wheels, and extends to the present. Here's a State-of-the-art polymerIntroduce > characterization applications.> > 17:15 - 18:40--after-seminar party> > > 11/20 (Friday) 9:30-16:30> > 9:30 - 11:00 molecular weight and molecular weight distribution (mass spectrometry, chromatography and light scattering)> Hiroshi Nakamura (Kyoto University)> > Polymer quantity characteristic of molecular weight and molecular weight distribution the definitions and concepts> Understand. On top of that essential to the research and development of polymer molecular weight and its distribution> Other in determining how each principle and its indicating features. PolymerFrom the perspective of molecular weight > I understand how to do from its foundation to the cutting edge> Clear easy to explain.> > 11:00 - 11:10 incubation time.> > 11:10 - 12:40 polymer structure and movement of (solution and solid state NMR).> Asano Atsushi (anti-large)> Understanding the static structure of a > polymer but dynamic structure of polymeric materialsDesign properties > use situations and features highly in importance. The NMROn the > solution or solid macromolecular structure and exercise of outstanding> Method in. Clearly its know-how in this lecture, the lecture.> > 12:40 - 13:40 lunch.> Of-the-art polymer characterization (2) > 13:40 - 14:40 you can see here> Kohji Tashiro (Toyota technological Inst.)> First half followed by introducing polymer characterization of-the-art applications.> > 14:40 - 14:50 incubation time.> Introduction (synchrotron and neutron) leading-edge large science capture the new appearance of polymers > 14:50 - 15:30Sono Sasaki (Kyoto Inst. of technology) / > Kohji Tashiro (Toyota technological Inst.)> Introduction to polymer research > synchrotron radiation and neutron facilities, such as the latest big scientific contribution.> > 15:30 - 15:50 incubation time and rest.> > 15:50 - 16:30 General discussion see polymer characterization difficulty and importance.> Kohji Tashiro (Toyota technological Inst.)> >-Contact: Chemical Society of Japan planning, KawaseE-mail > sangaku@chemistry.or.jp> TEL 03-3292-6163> > ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━> Destination changes, the delivery date for the manuscript published, etc.> ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━> ----------------------------------------------------------------------> This email, please click members we hope subscribe to newsletter>.> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > ♦ change delivery address and unsubscribe from the Chemical Society of Japan page thank you.> of https://mypage.csj.jp/mycsj/> Change propagation takes 1 week or so.> > ♦ monthly one day and 15 delivers daily (twice a month).> > ♦ to the Chemical Society of Japan please please thank you.> Of E-mail:info@chemistry.or.jpAnother > Department contacts-http://csj.jp/kaimu/office/jimukyoku.html> > ♦ this mail send-only email address is delivered.Please note that the > replies I can't answer. Any inquiries concerning the delivery> of kanto@chemistry.or.jp please.> --------------------------------------------------------------1-5, Kanda-surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-8307, chemical society of Japan > Copyright (2015)
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
It is a guide. > Forwarded message: > > From: The Chemical Society of Japan mail communication

> 日付: October 21, 2015 at 08:35:04 GMT+9
> 宛先: 堤治
> Subject: ■ chemical technology basic course polymer structure property relationships elucidation characterization course for - also seen in the way one up to this complicated structure! Thorough lecture over from the beginner to the application
> ■ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ■
> ☆ Chemical Society of Japan mail communication ☆ No. 2015-10-21 (nationwide delivery)
> outgoing Date ◇ October 21, 2015
> source ◇ Chemical Society of Japan
> ■ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ■
> Tsutsumi Osamu like (membership number: 1,940,615,400)
> <<< chemical technology basic course >>>
> of structure property relationships elucidation of polymer Characterization course for
> - also seen in the way one up to this complicated structure! Thorough lecture over from the beginner to the application
> Http://Www.Chemistry.Or.Jp/event/calendar/2015/07/T151119.Html
> ◇ Organizer: The Chemical Society of Japan academia exchange committee
> ◇ Dates: 2015 November 19 (Thursday), 20 (Friday)
> ◇ Venue: chemical Kaikan (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)
> ◇ Chair: Tashiro Koji (TTI)
> ◇ purpose: to try to understand deeply the physical properties of the polymeric material If you want to, most fundamental importance
> structural information (chemical structure, molecular weight, molecular three-dimensional structure, such as the molecular chain aggregate state) of
it is essential to know> details. Everyone is, the comb to a variety of devices for that
you imagine to be woven performing a> lot of data collection. However, the pile of
> data exactly quantitatively Are you "analysis"? Analysis results well the "interpretation"
Do you can>? This course is not a mere introductory course.
> By performing characterization also well, deep-depth information up to here
> is obtained! In mind that for you to feel strongly on this point, the basic concepts introduced
> Starting, until thoroughly-depth characterization technique
> to systematically professor.
> ◇ target: personnel changes and reassignment, by the start of such new businesses, new in the art
mid-level technicians and professional researchers aim to> knowledge acquisition. The chemical knowledge of the art basic
technical new employees who want to learn from the>. Chemistry students who wish to employment in chemical company.
> ◇ participation fee individual regular members (including corporate membership) 25,000 yen, student member 10,000 yen, non-members 40,000 yen
> ※ session the first day evening banquet fee is free, lunch two days are included in the participation fee.
> ※ Please issued by the URL of the invoice the application acceptance notification e-mail.
> ※ Please transfer by the end of the month of next month held.
> ◇ Application: HTTPS:? //Event.Csj.Jp/form/view.Php id = 106.73 thousand
> ◇ recruiting personnel: (departs from 10 people) 50 people
> ◇ program
> November 19 (Thursday) 10:00 to 17:10 (after the end of social gathering)
> 10:00 to 10:20 course at the start of
> Tashiro Koji (TTI)
> 10:20 to 11:20 a polymer character for product development Characterization
> ~ ~ To express the power
> Nobuko Kato (based Bridgestone Corporation)
> organic material, a polymer material is used as a product of a variety of fields.
> In the development of material that expresses a new function, increasingly sophisticated molecular design,
> complexation with metals and inorganic material, hybridization is advanced, a lot of
it has caused a> innovation. These materials originated innovation
for> support came polymer characterization, and sprinkled also case studies,
to explain the mind set required for those who engage in> new product development.
> 11:20 to 11:30 incubation time
> 11:30 to 13:00 polymer of crystal, amorphous, higher-order structure analysis (wide angle, small-angle X-ray scattering)
> Sasaki Garden (Kyotokogeisen'idai)
> to clarify the hierarchy having the molecular level in the polymer to the conformation,
> MACROSS a COPIC characteristics for microscopic molecular design of the polymeric material
can be said that the key to> Thus achieved. Wide and small angle X-ray scattering method,
> is essential to examine the complex aggregate structure of such a polymer.
> It is possible to explain the basis of X-ray scattering method, state-of-the-art using synchrotron radiation
to refer to the> structural studies.
> 1:00 p.m. to 2:20 p.m. lunch meeting
> 14:20 to 15:50 morphology and atomic and molecular interactions of polymer chains (vibrational spectroscopy)
> Tashiro Koji (TTI)
> infrared Raman spectra but the embodiment is not used only for the identification of the functional groups of the polymer.
> Polymer chains of the form and set state, more surprisingly nano-scale
to reflect sensitive also> morphology. About Application of vibrational spectroscopy polymer
in an easy-to-understand>, and as well as discussed in advanced level, to the actual structure analysis
presenting the> application examples.
> 15:50 to 16:10 incubation time break
> 16:10 to 17:10 state-of-the-art polymer characterization (Part 1) can be seen up to this
> Tashiro Koji (TTI)
> polymer of molecular weight not fixed, and exhibits a very complex texture
is a> "mysterious" material. Thus the user is not supposed to be seen and structural details of the ...
> there are many people who are giving up from the beginning that way. Unfortunately,
> it is a misunderstanding. The relationship between complex structure and motility and physical properties of the polymer
> be apparent from a variety of levels, this is what characterization of
a> favorite. Of sophistication and high molecular characterization technology of polymer materials
> progress has led to today coupled as car wheels. Here, state-of-the-art polymer
introduce the application examples of> characterization.
> 17:15 to 18:40 social gathering
> November 20 (Friday) 9:30 to 16:30
> 9:30 to 11:00 molecular weight and molecular weight distribution (mass spectrometry, chromatography light scattering)
> Hiroshi Nakamura (Kyoto Univ.)
> the definition and concepts about the molecular weight and molecular weight distribution, which is a characteristic amount to the polymer
> to understand. Essential molecular weight and its distribution on the research and development of polymer on it
for> various determination method, we show the respective measurement principles and features. Macromolecule
or can understand how from the point of view of> molecular weight, from the basic to the most advanced
> to understand easy to commentary.
> 11:00 to 11:10 incubation time
> 11:10 to 12:40 structure and motility of the polymer (solution and solid NMR)
> Atsushi Asano (NDA)
If> static structure of the polymer only not to understand the dynamic structure of the polymer material
is extremely important in designing the physical properties and functions under the> usage. NMR method can be
very good in understanding the structure and movement of the polymer in the> solution or solid
is> technique. In this lecture, to lecture in an easy-to-understand its know-how.
> 12:40 to 13:40 Lunch
> 13:40 to 14:40 state-of-the-art polymer characterization (Part 2) can be seen up to this
> Tashiro Koji (TTI)
> state-of-the-art polymer followed in the first half We introduce the application examples of characterization.
> 14:40 to 14:50 incubation time
> 14:50 to 15:30 capture the new appearance of the polymer leading edge huge science (synchrotron radiation, neutron) introduction of
> Tashiro Koji (TTI) / Sasaki Garden ( Kyotokogeisen'idai)
> we will introduce the contribution to the synchrotron radiation and neutron facilities such as the latest of a giant science polymer research.
> 15:30 to 15:50 incubation time break
> 15:50 to 16:30 comprehensive discussion "of polymer characterization difficulty and importance"
> Tashiro Koji (TTI)
> ◇ Contact: Nippon Chemical Kai Planning Department Kawase
> E-mail Sangakuattochemistry.Or.Jp
> TEL 03-3292-6163
> ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━
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should be addressed to the> kanto@chemistry.or.jp.
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> Copyright (2015) The Chemical Society of Japan Yubinbango101-8307, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo surugadai 1-5
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Guide. Message from :
> transferred with the Chemical Society of Japan

> e-mail communication with member. Using chemistry or >
> date October 21, 2015 at 11 / 04 / 35 GMT 9
> destination: teiji -- Tsutsumi sk. Ac.jp club promotion video >
> subject is complex, Department of characterization of correlation and structure elucidation of chemical engineering basic course "polymer structure is one way to get here! How to thank you from the
> lecture at homeAfghan] the phase structure of polymer, chemical: (treatment of embankment
> Japanese]
>,), communications and the Japanese] > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> chemical, Hikaru] 2015-10-21 (national distribution channel
> letter] the Heisei 27 years on October 21, cell chemistry - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> marine biodiversity member designation 1940615400
> of technology based >>>
> [in Japanese Kansai unriddle for would - field Kara in ICTs leak miraj, and fax lecture: ANP
> - of - structure, a feeling in this child was Ma De, was divided! Entry Kara applied with Ma De in thorough notes,
> http://www.chemistry.or.jp/event/calendar/2015/07/T151119.html
>] main reminder: Japan Chemical Industry Exchange Committee
>] period: November 19, 2015 (wood) and 20 (gold)
>] Venue: chemical Hall (Tokyo are Chiyoda KU)
>] main medicine: Tashiro Koji (Toyota in Harbin Institute of Technology)
>] Purport: polymer material [in Japanese or deep on understanding (yo u and, in places, the mono tobira basic on the important structure of a
> intelligence (chemical structures,Molecular weight, structure, molecular assembly, molecular chain is essential to know the details
>. Ladies and gentlemen, in order to make full use of various devices are made of a lot of
> data collection. However, the data of pile on the determination
> "analysis"? The results of the analysis and interpretation 」
> are you well? This course is not only an introductory course. Characterization of
> performed well, here to in-depth information.On the obtained! This point I strongly felt that in mind, to introduce the basic concept, thoroughly
> pointed to キャラクタリゼーションテクニック in
> systematically. Objective:
> boards and personnel changes, the start of the new business and new technique development of the technology
> knowledge acquisition researchers. New technology and knowledge of chemistry, want to learn the basic
>. Chemistry students want to find a job to chemical enterprises.
>.Personal views on participation fee (including regular member 25, 000 yen), student member 40, 000 yen, non-members,
> * free up opening session in the evening get-together expenses include expenses above lunch participated in two days. Please issue the acceptance notification email application is described URL
> * the invoice.
> * of the transfer by the end of next month. Application: used
> HTTPS event CSJ. JP / form / view PHP? ID number: 106730
> boards 50 (10) held by )
> EQ
> program atOn November 19, 10 to 17 o'clock 10 minutes (
> Tashiro koji in the start of the social )
> 10:00 - 10 after completion of the course 20 ~
> nobuko Kato in polymer characterization
> expression to its power of 10 )
> Toyota Technological Institute 20 for product development, a variety of materials, )
> Bridgestone Co., Ltd. (former
> organic polymer material is used as a product. With the development of new materials for
> function, more and more advanced, and the molecular design 、
> metals and inorganic materials, compositeAdvanced hybrid, cause a large number of
> innovation. On the characterization of polymer supported
> these materials innovation, including the introduction, the mindset necessary for the people who engage in new product development
> 20 - 30 11 11 11:30
> incubation time at 0:00 on polymer crystal, the structure of wide-angle and small-angle X-ray scattering (X )
> Sasaki )
> Garden (Kyoto Institute of TechnologyIt has a hierarchical structure from molecular level to the higher order structure of polymer, polymer materials
> macroscopic to microscopic characteristics is a key technology for realizing
> by molecular design. Wide-angle and small-angle X-ray scattering X method, it is essential to study the complex structure of polymer aggregation
> such. Describe the basic line of the
> X scattering method, and the structure
> to cutting edge using synchrotron radiation.
> 13:00 on 20
> lunch meeting
> 14 and 15, 20Morphology of polymer chains and the interaction between atomic and molecular vibrational spectroscopy ()
> Tashiro koji in the infrared and Raman spectra, Toyota Technological Institute )
> is only used in the identification of functional groups of polymer. Assembly and
> polymer chains, a surprising new of nanoscale
> morphology. Vibrational spectroscopy of polymer application
>, easy to understand and describe in high level, and presents the actual application to structure analysis
> 50
> 15 16.10 incubation time break
> 16 17
> 10 10 so far advanced polymer characterization (Part 1 )
> Tashiro koji is extremely complex, Toyota Technological Institute )
> polymer molecular weight, and is determined to
> texture "and" material. Therefore, the structural details have not...
> wind up so many people from the beginning. Unfortunately, it is 、
> misunderstanding.It is the relation of physical properties in various levels of
> complex polymer structure and motility, and this is the
> characterization in the favorite. Advanced polymer materials has been coupled to the two halves of the
> progress of polymer characterization techniques. The application of advanced polymer
> characterization is presented.
> 15 - 17
> 18:40 get-together
> on November 20 (gold) at 16:30
> 9 11: 30.Molecular weight and molecular weight distribution, mass spectrometry, chromatography, light scattering )
> Hiroshi Nakamura on molecular weight and molecular weight distribution characteristic of the Kyoto University )
> polymer is
> to understand its definition and concept. Besides, it is indispensable to research and development of polymer molecular weight and its distribution of different
> determination method, and characteristics of each of the measuring principle. To understand how the polymer molecular weight from the viewpoint of
>, from basic to advanced
> are easy to understand.
> 11 11:00.The incubation period of time
> 10, 11 December 10
> structure and mobility of polymer ()
> Atsushi Asano NMR solid solution and to understand the dynamic structure, not only the static structure of )
> (NDA
> polymers is very important to design and functional properties in use
> situation of polymeric materials. The NMR method which is extremely excellent in mobility and the structure of the polymer in solution or solid
> method. In this lecture, lecture know-how are easy to understand.
> 1240 and 40
> lunch
> 13 40 14 40 see here to advanced polymer characterization (Part 2 )
> Tashiro koji in the first half, Toyota Technological Institute )
> introduces the application examples of polymer characterization at the leading edge of the next.
> 14 14 40 - 50: 50
> incubation time
> 14 - 15 big new science of polymer (30, neutron radiation capture)
> Tashiro koji (TTI) - )
> Garden (Kyoto Institute of TechnologyIn the neutron and synchrotron radiation facility such as a contribution to modern big science research are introduced.
> 15 15:50 30 incubation time break
> 15: 50 - 16:30 general discussion of "high difficulty and molecular characterization of the importance 」
> Tashiro koji Kawase (Toyota Technological Institute )
> band contacts the Chemical Society of Japan: Faculty
> E e-mail sangaku or chemistry. Los Angeles -- JP,
> TEL 6163
>.Play play play play play play on the play play play play play play play ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
> distribution change and delivery date in the original publication of
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> Copyright 2015 Chemical Society of Japan, here were also described on the Chiyoda ward, Tokyo Surugadai 1-5
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