Guide. Message from :
> transferred with the Chemical Society of Japan
> e-mail communication with member. Using chemistry or >
> date October 21, 2015 at 11 / 04 / 35 GMT 9
> destination: teiji -- Tsutsumi sk. club promotion video >
> subject is complex, Department of characterization of correlation and structure elucidation of chemical engineering basic course "polymer structure is one way to get here! How to thank you from the
> lecture at homeAfghan] the phase structure of polymer, chemical: (treatment of embankment
> Japanese]
>,), communications and the Japanese] > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> chemical, Hikaru] 2015-10-21 (national distribution channel
> letter] the Heisei 27 years on October 21, cell chemistry - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> marine biodiversity member designation 1940615400
> of technology based >>>
> [in Japanese Kansai unriddle for would - field Kara in ICTs leak miraj, and fax lecture: ANP
> - of - structure, a feeling in this child was Ma De, was divided! Entry Kara applied with Ma De in thorough notes,
>] main reminder: Japan Chemical Industry Exchange Committee
>] period: November 19, 2015 (wood) and 20 (gold)
>] Venue: chemical Hall (Tokyo are Chiyoda KU)
>] main medicine: Tashiro Koji (Toyota in Harbin Institute of Technology)
>] Purport: polymer material [in Japanese or deep on understanding (yo u and, in places, the mono tobira basic on the important structure of a
> intelligence (chemical structures,Molecular weight, structure, molecular assembly, molecular chain is essential to know the details
>. Ladies and gentlemen, in order to make full use of various devices are made of a lot of
> data collection. However, the data of pile on the determination
> "analysis"? The results of the analysis and interpretation 」
> are you well? This course is not only an introductory course. Characterization of
> performed well, here to in-depth information.On the obtained! This point I strongly felt that in mind, to introduce the basic concept, thoroughly
> pointed to キャラクタリゼーションテクニック in
> systematically. Objective:
> boards and personnel changes, the start of the new business and new technique development of the technology
> knowledge acquisition researchers. New technology and knowledge of chemistry, want to learn the basic
>. Chemistry students want to find a job to chemical enterprises.
>.Personal views on participation fee (including regular member 25, 000 yen), student member 40, 000 yen, non-members,
> * free up opening session in the evening get-together expenses include expenses above lunch participated in two days. Please issue the acceptance notification email application is described URL
> * the invoice.
> * of the transfer by the end of next month. Application: used
> HTTPS event CSJ. JP / form / view PHP? ID number: 106730
> boards 50 (10) held by )
> EQ
> program atOn November 19, 10 to 17 o'clock 10 minutes (
> Tashiro koji in the start of the social )
> 10:00 - 10 after completion of the course 20 ~
> nobuko Kato in polymer characterization
> expression to its power of 10 )
> Toyota Technological Institute 20 for product development, a variety of materials, )
> Bridgestone Co., Ltd. (former
> organic polymer material is used as a product. With the development of new materials for
> function, more and more advanced, and the molecular design 、
> metals and inorganic materials, compositeAdvanced hybrid, cause a large number of
> innovation. On the characterization of polymer supported
> these materials innovation, including the introduction, the mindset necessary for the people who engage in new product development
> 20 - 30 11 11 11:30
> incubation time at 0:00 on polymer crystal, the structure of wide-angle and small-angle X-ray scattering (X )
> Sasaki )
> Garden (Kyoto Institute of TechnologyIt has a hierarchical structure from molecular level to the higher order structure of polymer, polymer materials
> macroscopic to microscopic characteristics is a key technology for realizing
> by molecular design. Wide-angle and small-angle X-ray scattering X method, it is essential to study the complex structure of polymer aggregation
> such. Describe the basic line of the
> X scattering method, and the structure
> to cutting edge using synchrotron radiation.
> 13:00 on 20
> lunch meeting
> 14 and 15, 20Morphology of polymer chains and the interaction between atomic and molecular vibrational spectroscopy ()
> Tashiro koji in the infrared and Raman spectra, Toyota Technological Institute )
> is only used in the identification of functional groups of polymer. Assembly and
> polymer chains, a surprising new of nanoscale
> morphology. Vibrational spectroscopy of polymer application
>, easy to understand and describe in high level, and presents the actual application to structure analysis
> 50
> 15 16.10 incubation time break
> 16 17
> 10 10 so far advanced polymer characterization (Part 1 )
> Tashiro koji is extremely complex, Toyota Technological Institute )
> polymer molecular weight, and is determined to
> texture "and" material. Therefore, the structural details have not...
> wind up so many people from the beginning. Unfortunately, it is 、
> misunderstanding.It is the relation of physical properties in various levels of
> complex polymer structure and motility, and this is the
> characterization in the favorite. Advanced polymer materials has been coupled to the two halves of the
> progress of polymer characterization techniques. The application of advanced polymer
> characterization is presented.
> 15 - 17
> 18:40 get-together
> on November 20 (gold) at 16:30
> 9 11: 30.Molecular weight and molecular weight distribution, mass spectrometry, chromatography, light scattering )
> Hiroshi Nakamura on molecular weight and molecular weight distribution characteristic of the Kyoto University )
> polymer is
> to understand its definition and concept. Besides, it is indispensable to research and development of polymer molecular weight and its distribution of different
> determination method, and characteristics of each of the measuring principle. To understand how the polymer molecular weight from the viewpoint of
>, from basic to advanced
> are easy to understand.
> 11 11:00.The incubation period of time
> 10, 11 December 10
> structure and mobility of polymer ()
> Atsushi Asano NMR solid solution and to understand the dynamic structure, not only the static structure of )
> (NDA
> polymers is very important to design and functional properties in use
> situation of polymeric materials. The NMR method which is extremely excellent in mobility and the structure of the polymer in solution or solid
> method. In this lecture, lecture know-how are easy to understand.
> 1240 and 40
> lunch
> 13 40 14 40 see here to advanced polymer characterization (Part 2 )
> Tashiro koji in the first half, Toyota Technological Institute )
> introduces the application examples of polymer characterization at the leading edge of the next.
> 14 14 40 - 50: 50
> incubation time
> 14 - 15 big new science of polymer (30, neutron radiation capture)
> Tashiro koji (TTI) - )
> Garden (Kyoto Institute of TechnologyIn the neutron and synchrotron radiation facility such as a contribution to modern big science research are introduced.
> 15 15:50 30 incubation time break
> 15: 50 - 16:30 general discussion of "high difficulty and molecular characterization of the importance 」
> Tashiro koji Kawase (Toyota Technological Institute )
> band contacts the Chemical Society of Japan: Faculty
> E e-mail sangaku or chemistry. Los Angeles -- JP,
> TEL 6163
>.Play play play play play play on the play play play play play play play ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
> distribution change and delivery date in the original publication of
> play play play play play play play play play play play play play ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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