Starting next month I will be making 80,000 a month. I have been trying to find someone who wants me since January and mostly it's just scams for money. I realize that many Thais need money and it is hard to make. Recently someone said they would come visit me but they needed 1200 to pay bus and taxi. She didn't show, I sent her another 500 because I guessed she was desperate and needed it. I would rather give you 3000 because you asked for it straight forward and honestly than to spend it on someone who is cheating me. I know you are just challenging me to see if I will do it, that is ok, you probably need it even though you look clean, healthy, and are in school, unlike a lot of the girls I write to. You probably don't need it but I don't know, you can have it, I don't need it, no one wants me, they just want money. What do I want from you? You are in school and can't move here, I have a teaching contract and can't move there. We can't be together, I just need to talk to someone who is honest and fair. Thanks for writing to me.