Thus, it is likely that the
enrichment of gluten-free breads with buckwheat flours in the range
of 10–30% in the mixture for the formulations contributed to the
increase of metal chelating activity on Fe2+ (Fig. 5).
In addition to previous discussion correlations between the
performed measurements were estimated (Table 2). In Table 2
significant correlations between TPC and all antioxidative parameters
for LBF as well for WBF were found. According to Alvarez-Jubete et al.
(2010b) these high correlations could be ascribed to chemistry
mechanisms of used methods which are based on the same principles
(redox properties) thus having influence on obtaining high correlations
between values obtained by all these methods. The observed
differences of correlation values between gluten-free bread samples
with LBF and WBF could be explained by the presence of interfering