第29話 嵐が過ぎて いつものカウンター席で、夕食を食べ終えたタロウは「のほほん」と果実ジュースを飲んでいる。 横ではプス子が嬉しそうに夕食 การแปล - 第29話 嵐が過ぎて いつものカウンター席で、夕食を食べ終えたタロウは「のほほん」と果実ジュースを飲んでいる。 横ではプス子が嬉しそうに夕食 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第29話 嵐が過ぎて いつものカウンター席で、夕食を食べ終えたタロウは

第29話 嵐が過ぎて

































「そして、こう言ってくれたの。「傀儡の魔王」のギルドなんて俺が潰してみせます!!! 俺がレイデさんを命を懸けて守りますから!!ってね♪」


「――お前!! わざと負けたフリをして、タロ坊の優しさにつけこんだな!!!」



「――何を言ってるのよ! 私の足の古傷がどれほどのものかは貴方が一番知っているでしょ!!」






「え? 用心棒?」


「――あーー!? てめーレイデこの野郎!! それが狙いだったんだな!!! 宿泊費をタダにしてタロ坊を、ここにずーーーっと縛りつける気だな!?」

「うるさいわねリベラ。これは宿主と宿泊客の問題よ。外野は黙ってなさい。というわけでどう? タロウさん」



「あら……そう? なら、宿のサービスの方をより充実させて、頑張らせてもらうことにするわ♪」





「レ、レイデ! お、お前、まさか!! 性的なサ――」


「うっるさいわねリベラ!! 食事のグレードを上げるだけよ。あんたと一緒にしないでちょうだいな!」































「――きゃー♪ その答えは満点よタロウさん!!」





「――え!? あ、あら嫌だ!! 私ったら!!」






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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
No. 29-story storm has passed Taro finished eating dinner, always counter with "carefree" and drinking fruit juice. Next to the Puss is happy dinner and instead and has been the media beauty dessert took whipped cream pancake "what delicious! "And were eating happily muttered. Ladies saloon even moderate success during this time dinner when the Sun sank, to show that this day wasn't taro were non-customer is anyone. Ladies always Street at counters in the kitchen and quietly doing the preparation work. Wiggle the lilting tones of the knife for the ladies to quiet sounds good.「(ま…… Trap shy, everybody can't come...) " Taro murmur and a wry smile in mind. Today "puppet than plant of Satan" of when has attacked the ladies bar under the regular visitors of this store help ladies as one of. Only from afar, watching as onlookers.「(…… I mean, watching from afar, but isn't. Talk about wanting to kill monsters in the refugee town 歯向kae in a fortified city three major guilds unreasonable Mon a) " Taro is overlooking the steaming pot is boiling the ingredients in the kitchen, drinking just fruit juice."(But the courageous women's ladies, a... I had such a thing, always has work of bar-room Queen Street. I wonder if there is still risked her life and only had to work against demons. No, but... After all women's Massaging a. It does not hurt not like...) " Towards regular visitors, such as killing demons and after that incident, the ladies get dressed immediately outside the outcome stunned but did not come to eat today this remains open to smiled. What would be truly realized the preciousness of regular guests are all uniformly microphone, I had to silence.「(…… But survived thanks to everyone over immediately tidy) " It was helped to carry out outside the regular visitors lift cart taro directed Minotaur were interred under the "puppet King" that after demons use who carry refugee City Cemetery and buried, the powerless, released into the wild. And helped everyone is packed in the store was vandalized, but ladies dinner at Tavern patrons who one and didn't come by.「(…… I can't come in today? So need time is a little bit of...) " Taro pancake dessert cut with a knife, and his throw in the mouth. Fluffy and the taste of soft dough and sweet whipped cream heart is filled with happiness. When taro again eat pancakes, SIPs, quiet time to shop."--Radar here! 」 Jumps in loud punchy DOS from the entrance to the saloon girls. Was Rivera taro, look at the bar, and on the hand at the entrance to the rough breathing. Apparently, today's incident, who seemed rushed. Unlike usual, thin waist thick black belt wrapped, there installed equipment such as whip, whip, tool bag, portable folding crossbow. Talking to the ladies Rivera comes into the shop fast silver hair and pretending not to know always Street brewing has.See: Hey ladies! You're all right! Do not hurt! 」"Look at the street.「………… So... The NAA. In anyway we heard information at work went a little far away from home, got a " How relieved Rivera sit big sighing exhale, while seated at the counter knows all about us.「…… By the way, ladies. I'd heard you were raped? 」"I was massaged the chest level.「…… That's about what? Alive also was raped, and even revenge if you are able from a ""Those things" Taro was listening quietly while eating pancakes ladies and Rivera's conversation was secretly was flabbergasted.「(…… The women who fight for this world. One, strong. And I mean... No longer afraid) " Taro into stomach pancakes with fruit juice."Rumor is somehow became a no-holds-barred demons I heard the Messenger of Allaah saved the pinch bar-room Queen? 」 About Rivera, while not deliberately pretended while his ladies always ask questions. Meet without letting the ladies knife hand."Yes, I guest of taro's there risk their lives, though just Tavern owner who helped. It's looking good. In a moment that the puppet king men's blood Festival " Ladies put on the chopping block kitchen knife, and clasped her hands together in front of the chest fit koisuru otome to seek heaven.「そして、こう言ってくれたの。「傀儡の魔王」のギルドなんて俺が潰してみせます!!! 俺がレイデさんを命を懸けて守りますから!!ってね♪」 実に嬉しそうに話すレイデの言葉に、タロウは果実ジュースを吹き出す。 その話しぶりを聞いたリベラは怒りをあらわにする。「――お前!! わざと負けたフリをして、タロ坊の優しさにつけこんだな!!!」「(マ、マジですか!?)」 リベラの言葉にタロウは女性の強したたかさに驚愕する。「――何を言ってるのよ! 私の足の古傷がどれほどのものかは貴方が一番知っているでしょ!!」「うぐぐ!」 レイデの反論にリベラは言葉を詰まらせる。 どうやら、レイデが昔のような力を出せないのは事実のようだった。 それを聞いたタロウは内心「ほっ」とする。「(……レイデさんがピンチだったのは事実なんだな)」 「というわけで、タロウさん。今日からは私の酒場の「用心棒」になってもらえると嬉しいんだけど。もちろん、宿泊代金は無料にさせてもらいますから」 レイデがウインクしながら提案してくる。「え? 用心棒?」 タロウはレイデの急な提案に思わず聞き返してしまう。"--AWW! As their grade this bastard! It was aimed at that! And accommodation expenses, free taro Tsutsumi, here nose-.-boobs and tie yourself.! 」"Fussy about Rivera. This is a matter of host and guest. The silence in the outfield. And so what? Taro " Ladies come smiled and smiled."Oh, Oh. Guess who named "bodyguard" to think of the future and the deterrent goes further. Rates will let me pay but free is kinda sorry no ""Oh... So? If you you accommodation services more than I'm going to get to Burns, enrich. " The ladies 'gloat' and come wink and smile."That is,... If it well " Taro "food good for?!" thought about, to convince. However, what worked, a woman's intuition ladies 'suspicious' smile Rivera, bellow."Les, ladies! You, you, believe it or not! Sexual services--" Off Rivera, as ladies will roar back."Shall I funny Rivera is you! Raise the grade of food only. Do with you and me! 」「――ぐむむ!!」 ぴしゃりと言い返されて、リベラはカウンターに突っ伏してしまうのだった。 騒がしい会話の後、リベラはレイデの無事を確認できて安心したのか、果実ジュースを注文すると、気だるそうに頬杖をつきながらストローで飲んでいる。「しっかし、タロ坊。あんたピンクメデューサに「多重処理詠唱マルチプルロード」を使わせたって本当かい?」「なんか、そういうのがあるみたいですねー」 適当に応えるタロウに対して、呆れたようにため息を吐くリベラはレイデの方を見る。 レイデは真剣な表情でリベラに頷く。「本当よ。私はこの目で見ましたからね。髪を蛇化させての多重詠唱。4体のミノタウロスの手足を、氷塊の枷をはめて一気に無力化させたわ」 レイデの言葉を聞いたリベラは、驚きと感心のため息を吐き捨てる。「……どうやら本当みたいだね。ちなみに、その噂はもう要塞都市中を駆け巡ってるよ。要塞都市連中に限れば、まだまだ、どこまで信じるかにもよるだろうけど、肝心の「傀儡の魔王」は速攻で詫びの書状を部下に持たせて、私の所に来ていたわ。あれは部下の暴走だから本意では無いってね……」"Well" Ladies meet with blank expression."Think of taro Tsutsumi. Men came here to "puppet King", only one person made him go as a witness? ""Well, I feel. Rivera raised lip edges and interesting."Taro Tsutsumi also not quite men. I think thanks to the learned skill of taro Tsutsumi "puppet King", Vostro broke before me. Three major guilds antagonist is a balance from it. Subtle is whether or not to be honest, for the ladies and a lot of "puppet King" could war! " Rivera mutters chagrined. It gently comforting ladies."I know from Rivera. Three major guilds of the so-called prisoner's status; If you show weakness, it caught and eaten. Now say from "annihilation suppose road" shut up I'm sure I'll be ""A bad ladies '"It's fine. I am left Rivera's career to annoy and cannot be done. It, first of all it's mean in my nasty quarrel that he challenged and I "See what coming for taro Tsutsumi? 」"It is not natural. You promised to protect her sister from it. But I helped to reverse and then protect them from this side. " Ladies are moving in the kitchen shaking black ponytail. "Ah... Envy-... Can use can use magic pink Medusa Monster bouncer, or just how lucky I am " Rivera while heightened sensitivity cant envy ladies."A taro Tsutsumi-. Not to this borough.-. Come on over to my apartment!. And good views from the top floor-, and the room is filled-, bath and-, Haute cuisine and-, of course "Ah-had-and" with-! " Rivera stroked head taro stroked or stays while seduce taro."Who has a"Borough hotel"! 」 Ladies should they pass and draw a wrinkle on the forehead, but Rivera is quite casually continue patting the head of taro."No!, but is a nice teaser, me, ladies, loves to cook why here is nice" Ladies stared at Zito first asked Rivera to respond if the shout of joy."--When Zowie! the answer full marks's taro! 」 The ladies lean from the counter, and taro's neck hug and offer a passionate kiss on the cheek.「(ま、正直な所、ヒモになるほどお金にも困ってないしな。他人と同居というか、ご厄介になるというのは気も使うし、そもそも魔物娘達とのラブラブ生活を満喫できないから、遠慮しておきたいところなんだよな。そんなことをするぐらいなら、野宿でもして自由に生きていく方がまだ楽しそうだ)」 タロウは「あははは」と苦笑いを浮かべるが、リベラは「ちぇっ」と口を尖らせて拗ねるのだった。「しっかし、あのお固いレイデが、男の首に抱きついて頬にチューとはね。よっぽどタロ坊の事が気に入っているんだね~」「――え!? あ、あら嫌だ!! 私ったら!!」 リベラに指摘されたレイデは驚きの声をあげると、タロウの首から慌てて離れて厨房にそそくさと戻る。「……ま、私には「タロ坊との例の約束」があるからね。慌てず勝負させてもらうからいいもんね」 慌てるレイデをどこか楽しそうに見つめながらも、リベラは自信に満ちた笑みを浮かべながら小さく呟くのだった。 リベラは果実ジュースの残りを、ストローで吸い上げて飲み干すと席から立ち上がる。「それじゃレイデ。私はそろそろ帰るわ」 リベラの呼びかけに、先ほどのパニックから少しだけ落ち着いたレイデが「あ、うん。またね」と厨房内で鍋の中身を混ぜながら返事を返す。
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Past the first 29 episodes storm
in the usual counter seat, Taro you have finished eating dinner are drinking fruit juice as "Nohohon".
Horizontal In continues to change your dinner Pusu-ko is joyfully, Mede-bi was eating happily while the pancakes got the whipped cream is a dessert murmur as "Nanitaru delicious!". At dinner that sank the sun, this time zone is he show the tavern also decent success of Reide, this day visitors other than Taro we did not have anyone. Reide is always in the kitchen in the counter in the street, it has quietly carried out charged work. Nimble sound of Reide of kitchen knife in a quiet store echoes wiggle well. "(Or ...... ashamed and snare not come anyone ...)" Taro is muttered while a wry smile in my heart. When under the "puppet puppet devil of" has been attacked tavern Reide today, we regulars Kyaku-tachi of this store did not and tried to help Reide as anyone one. However, it was only looking at as onlookers afar. "(Or rather ..., to the only not by Na. Refugee city of demon killing us are looking afar, is anyone who Hamukae to one of the three major guild fortress city, Na mon's a crazy story)" Taro It is overlooking the steam of pot that boiled the ingredients of the kitchen, drinking fruit juice only bite. "(However, Reide Mr. ...... Na'm stout-hearted woman. Though there was Anna thing, always ...... and Nante have been the work of the tavern proprietress the street. Still work versus demons over a period of life I wonder if there are only things had been. No, but Na I have no reason ...... is not still a massaging a woman. hurt ...) " After that incident, Reide and immediately prepare the dress, outside dazed toward the patrons who like only there was no demon killing wait and see and smiled that "I come to eat it because open this leave today." Indeed I wonder was keenly aware of the Nasakena of, regular Kyaku-tachi everyone, only there was no silence in head down uniformly. "(... But, in the clean up is all thanks, soon to Na was saved because I finished)," the regulars Kyaku-tachi the demon Tsukai our corpse is under the control of the "puppet of the devil" after that, to the cemetery of refugees Street and carrying at the burial, and neutralize the Minotaur who, in Hakobidashi outside to put as instructed carts of Taro, was of helped me work that release to the wild. And, we also clean up everyone in the store that was ravaged helped me, but visitors to the tavern of Reide during dinner did not come as a Who one. "(... Truly do not come in today's today. Little ...... Na likely need a time)" off the Taro also dessert pancakes with a knife, and throw in stole and mouth. And fluffy and soft dough, filled with heart happiness to the sweet cream of taste. Quiet time flows in the store, it was when Taro was another bite, try to eat a pancake. "- Ray Day The - The - over !!!!!!!" is dive in coming loud worked woman from the entrance of Dos tavern. When hastily Taro see the entrance of the bar, there was a figure of Rivera to repeat the rough breathing with your hands at the entrance. Apparently, it seemed to come rushed by heard today's incident. Always and is wound a thick black belt is the difference between thin waist, there are tool bag, portable folding Crossbow, the equipment, such as a whip whip is mounted. Rivera If you come into the store in the trot while shaking the silver hair, put a voice to Reide you have a charged as usual innocently. "! - Hey Reide !? you, or all right !? whether injury is not " and "I As you can see" . "............ I see ...... Huh it because I have gone a little far away at work, listening to the information I was coming back in a hurry, but it's above all a safe Anyway capital " relieved whether Rivera while discharging a big sigh, sit as Komu fell to the counter seats. "...... By the way Reide. and I was heard was raped? " "Hey I extent that has been rubbed the chest" "...... What, whether the degree. In addition, even as committed, because as possible revenge As long live Na " "such a thing" Reide and Rivera of the conversation, but was Taro, which has been quietly listening while eating pancakes, nisin had been stunned. "(... Women fight of this different world is one ..., strong. Longer scary ...... I mean)" is poured into a pancake in the stomach in Taro fruit juice. "In, something Leet demon Tsukai like the rumor is,? I heard Tatte saved the pinch of the tavern proprietress" Rivera throw a question to Reide while the "pretend you do not know on purpose" while becomes eye half-open and with the Hozue. Reide meet without having to rest the hands of the knife. "Yeah, Taro is a guest of the inner is, to say that there is a danger of life, it's helped me is the proprietress of just a tavern. It'll it was good-looking. That" puppet of the devil. " the victimization by "in a moment subordinates our place the knife Reide on top of the cutting board, and look up at the sky like a maiden you love to suit grip his hands in front of chest. "And, I'm sure I will crush Nante Guild of me saying." Puppet of the devil! " ! ! Because I will protect over a period of life the Reide san! ! ♪ I "I speak very happily to the words of Reide, Taro blowing fruit juice. Rivera heard the tongue is to reveal the anger. "- In the you !! pretend that losing on purpose, !!! Na took advantage to tenderness of taro Bow" "(!? Well, Seriously Is)" in the words of Rivera Taro for women of strength shrewd of startle you. "- You'll What No're saying my or old wounds is how those legs will you know best!" "! Ugu-gu" Reide Rivera in rebuttal of clog the words. Apparently, the Reide does not put out a force like the old days it was like a fact. Taro heard it to nisin "hot". "(Na'm a true ...... Reide's was a pinch)" and "mean that, Taro. From today I'm happy and get to become a" bodyguard "of my tavern. Of course, accommodation price because you let me be free " Reide will come proposed while wink. "What? Bouncer?" Taro would involuntarily Kikikaeshi to steep proposal of Reide. "-!?!? A Teme Reide the taro Bou in this bastard !! free the Na !!! accommodation expenses've got it were the focus, Na's willing to tie Innovationーーーnot here" and "is noisy It Rivera. It'll issue of host and guests. outfield Get in silence. How about mean? Taro " Reide comes smiling To smile. "For example, Oh. Considering that the future is those who have the name" Yojimbo ", deterrence it would further go up. However, because a little sorry is not because free, fee and we will pay " and if "Oh ...... likely?, you can more enhance towards the inn of service, I will be that you let me work hard ♪" Reide but they come to wink with a smile as "Ninmari". "I, Ha ...... Well Well" Taro will be convinced to think to the extent "Na whether the food will be better." However, to smile "suspicious" of Reide, bellow hastily is whether Rivera intuition worked woman. "! Les, Reide you, you, No way !! sexual difference -" so as to block the words of Rivera, Reide returns shout. and ". I'll just raise the grade of Rivera !! meal Ne said Is the Urru Na Give me without with you!" "- Gumumu !!" it is slapping To Ikaesa, Rivera it was from being Tsuppushi to counter . After the noisy conversation, whether Rivera was relieved to be able to confirm the safety of Reide, when you order a fruit juice, you are drinking a straw while month Kedar likely to Hozue. The "misfire, taro Bow. Is it true you I was used to" multi-processing chant multiple load "in Anta Pink Medusa? " "softening, kind of seems that there is Ne" to Taro to respond appropriately, Rivera spit a sigh as shocked to see the people of Reide. Reide nods to Rivera with a serious expression. "True I. I because I saw in this eye. The limbs of Minotaur of multiple chant .4 body of by Hebi-ka the hair, it was at once powerless wearing the shackles of ice blocks" and heard the words of Reide was Rivera, spat out a sigh of admiration and surprise. "...... It's apparently true like. By the way, the rumor'm twirling another fortress in the city. As far to the fortress city guys, still, I will depend even on how far you believe, essential in the" puppet of the devil "is The letter of apology is to have subordinates in haste, and had come to my place. That I I not a real intention because runaway men ...... " and "Araso will" Reide is to meet in Akkerakan death look. "Subordinates of Speaking taro Bow." Puppet of the devil came here ", only one person alive I heard did not come back as a witness," "Well, is such a feeling," Rivera laugh so interesting to raise the end of the lips . "I taro Bow also quite do not a man. Thanks to the" puppet of the devil "was aware of the ability of taro Bou, but not the other party gave me broken earlier. Three major guild I'll balance is antagonistic. To be honest, it's subtle whether or not the war with the guys of "puppet of the devil" for Reide " Rivera mutter chagrined. It Reide is comforting gently. Rivera and since it has been found ". Three major guild, if Misere the state. Weakness of the so-called three-way standoff, would have been eaten are exploited there. If you say in the matter now because" annihilate annihilation of the royal road "is not surely silence I " "bad Na Reide" "It's fine. I'm a person that you quit, I'll not be put annoying to active duty of Rivera us. Besides, the first place this is I'm not the Fukkake a fight in my obstinacy" "Taro Bow or? "I for the "not the norm. I because I promised I'll sister is guarded. But, I was asked to help to reverse, ♪" and Kedomo's side get to observe the future Reide of black hair ponytail While rocking, it is moving around in the kitchen. "Toka a demon Tsukai that can use the magic can to bouncer to Ah ...... enviable Na ....... Pink Medusa, and'm Dondake lucky" Rivera envy the Reide while sharpened lip service. "Of Taro Bo. Sir I do not have in this rags inn. My apartment is: Wild over. To view okay because the top floor over, the room is full of some Shi over, OR there is also flows, OR there is also fine dining over , of course, "A city, was," per out ~ ♪ " Rivera to seduce Taro while Naderi and Ri patted the head of Taro. No such "Who of the inn is" Boroyado "! ! " Reide to wrinkle when the can not let someone say between the eyebrows, but Rivera continues to pat the head of Taro without asking care at all. "Well ~, Kedomo teaser I'm happy, I, Nde likes Reide's cuisine, where a is good," as if the answer to the invitation of Rivera, Reide you stared at Jito eyes to increase the voice of joy. "- Zowie ♪ The answer perfect score by Taro !!" Can you be when the Reide lean from the counter, it clings to the neck of Taro a passionate kiss on the cheek. "(Or, honest place, do not do not in trouble even money about become a pimp. I mean living with others, and to also use mind is because become your troublesome, the first place it can not be enjoy the love love life with demon daughters, If about a thing like that Na'm such a place that you want to withhold., it is still fun to go free to live by even homeless) " Taro but put a wry smile as "Well done is," Rivera Chi " ~E~tsu "and it sharpened the mouth it was sulk to be. ". Misfire, that your hard Reide is, I and Chu in cheek clings to the man's neck defintely ~ do it I really like is that of taro Bow" "-!? For example Oh, Hail hate it !! If I Tsu !! " and Reide that has been pointed out to Rivera to raise the voice of surprise, and returns hurriedly to the kitchen away in a hurry from the neck of Taro. "...... Well, it because there is a" promise of the example of the taro Bow "to me. The game is not so It'll say because get "do not panic , even while staring at the panic Reide somewhere happily, Rivera was murmur small while a smile full of confidence. Rivera is the rest of the fruit juice, rises from the seat when the drink is sucked up through a straw. "It 's Reide. I'll go home soon" to the call of Rivera, Reide it settled only slightly from the previous panic, "Oh, yeah. see you" and return the reply while mixing the contents of the pot in the kitchen. "Taro Bow even now

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Always counter seat after the storm, the story of taro 's "fruit juice had finished eating dinner. And at dinner with my happy place in horizontal pumps, WP MEDICOM toy beauty of fresh cream as dessert after a pancake "what a delicious!" While eating, and begin to be happy. As the sun set up dinner time, this time I will be part of the fluidic bar, no taro in other guests. TooLei as usual in the kitchen counter, quiet preparation work is carried out. The store was too quiet sound of IDE ring knife bit by bit.

「( into... I will not one... " Said with a wry smile in your heart too taro. In the case of puppet theater "Satan" which under the attack of the IDE are regular guests at this restaurant as one who help him to ide. However, atIt was only in the distance with the crowd.

「(…… That is, not only in the distance. The city of refugees to kill the demon that Hideyoshi and one of the three major guild fortress city, it's absurd story )」

taro pot of steaming and boiling ingredients of the kitchen, while only one mouth to drink fruit juice. However, the firm's

「( IDE, woman. There was such a thing, but as always the hostess bar work.Still life with much of his work is a demon. No, but... After all, you know. There is no reason for not hurting you... " After the incident, too, that Lei immediately to dress like a demon killed, not only to watch the course "stunned at regular customers to us today to eat this business to come from the outside" and smiled. Will you still at home to us, as we all patrons, uniformly through silence. Too"... However, all thanks away after that, "ended soon after )」

patrons of puppet devil" is used under the corpse demon in the town cemetery burial of refugees in the Minotaur, powerless, as taro on the cart out of the work was to help release into the wild. At the damaged right away and help all of us for dinner, the guest house of the ide as did not come. Too"... He can't come in today. It's so... I need some time. " Taro pancake made of dessert knife, throw a snap. At the fluffy and soft dough, fresh taste of sweet heart is filled with happiness. Quiet flow at the store, taro, when another bite to eat pancakes.

「―― レイデーーーーーー!!!!!!! " TooFrom the entrance of the bar works come into the woman. Taro and hastily at the entrance to the entrance of the bar is repeated to breathe on the hands of Libera. Apparently, at today's case was heard to come. And the time difference and the thick black slim waist belt is wound on the tool bag, portable folding crossbow arrow, whip whip mounted equipment. TooLibera silvery hair with her at a fast pace into the shop, as if nothing as to the preparation in the IDE. In

「―― Lei! At you, okay? No injuries at?!? " The

「 look 」

「………… Street So... Huh. Work out a little farther out, hurriedly at the back, safe and reliable 」

? From what Libera big sigh out,Sit down at the counter or the like.

「…… By the way, ray. At the hearing, but to rape you? " I just

「 rubbed her breasts 」

「…… degree What are you so much. Well, it is committed to the 」

「 that 」

IDE and conversation from Rivera's revenge, you can only live, quietly listening while eating pancakes, taro was dumbfounded at heart.

「(…… The fighting lady... This different world... One of the strong.And... No longer afraid )」

taro pancake fruit juice in the stomach. In

「, use some of the rumors that he was a devil, the pinch bar hostess, I save you? " Libera too while in an eye to support in the IDE to throw questions while playing on purpose. "" I don't know. Meet at the Lei without rest, knife in hand. Yes, Mr. taro

「 guest, and there is the danger of life,Just to help me in the pub landlady. It is cool. That the devil "puppet" men at the moment I lifted and placed on the chopping board with knife 」

Lei, in front of the chest with both hands grip of love to look up at the sky. The

「 said. "The devil" is a puppet of the guild, I will crush me!!! @ i ide to defend his life!! In the IDE, you talk to ♪」

words, very happy
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