Information systems hardware consists of the components of digital technology that you can touch. In this chapter, we reviewed the componentsthatmakeupapersonalcomputer,withtheunderstanding thattheconfigurationofapersonalcomputerisverysimilartothatofanytypeofdigitalcomputingdevice. Apersonalcomputerismadeupofmanycomponents,mostimportantlytheCPU,motherboard,RAM,hard disk, removable media, and input/output devices. We also reviewed some variations on the personal computer, such as the tablet computer and the smartphone. In accordance with Moore’s Law, these technologies have improved quickly over the years, making today’s computing devices much more powerfulthandevicesjustafewyearsago.Finally,wediscussedtwooftheconsequencesofthisevolution: the commoditization of the personal computer and the problem of electronic waste