The meat jelly’s eyes lit up, its desire to chat suddenly aroused.
“You get it? You really get it? Heavens! You really do get it! You understand me now! Okay, then, let’s talk about something that happened 30,000 years ago. It was just too much. Infuriating! Oh, wait. Before that, let’s talk about the weather from 70,000 years ago….”
The meat jelly trembled with excitement as it began to chatter. It turned into a droning sound in Meng Hao’s ears. He watched the mastiff and the parrot battling, and listened to the garrulous meat jelly.
Suddenly, a feeling rose up in Meng Hao’s heart that gave him the sensation that he was about to go insane. Any normal person who spent a lot of time with the parrot and meat jelly would definitely become abnormal.
All of a sudden, he felt a twinge of sympathy for the Li Clan Patriarch.
Meng Hao sighed and obediently maintained his silence. He said nothing, but rather, allowed the meat jelly to talk endlessly, allowed the parrot to continue to be battered around by the mastiff. Every time the parrot was smacked away, it would return and say all kinds of things that Meng Hao could not help but hear. Soon, he started to go numb.
And that was how time passed by oh so slowly…
Half a day later, even as the parrot continued to pay court to the mastiff, who continued to violently refuse it, the Heavenly Pursuit Tribe’s temple appeared up ahead.
The temple itself was an enormous mountain shaped like a bottle gourd. It looked like a gigantic stone bottle gourd placed directly onto the surface of the land. The mountains that surrounded it were bare and infertile. The only entrance was at the very top of the mountain, at the mouth of the gourd.
Seeing the bottle gourd mountain caused Meng Hao to feel an indescribable sense of release. He shot directly toward the mouth of the gourd, and as he neared, he could sense an incredibly powerful restrictive spell.
The mouth of the gourd was like that of a volcano, and was roughly three hundred meters wide.
An enormous magical symbol could be seen stretching across the opening, floating there in mid-air, preventing anything from entering, be it a person or a stream of Divine Sense. Shockingly, just barely visible beyond the illusory mouth of the gourd, Meng Hao could see another world.