「Onii-san, hey, Patchy wants to drink mister Cocoa right now.」
『I, I have to go to work now. Can you be patient until I get back? 』
「Patience...? So will Patchy need to hold out?
Mukyu, understand it okay? If you understood it bring me Mister Cocoa, right now is fine.」
『I got it. If you say so. 』
「It is good that you understood it. Patchy's disciples are perfect, okay? I'll consider you special.
Mukyukyu this mister Cocoa looks delicious, I'll drink it eaaaaasy」
「Mukyu? It looks pretty hot, right?
After I do fuu-fuu I'll drink it. Mukyuu easy, fuu-fuu, fuu-fuu」
「Zeeh zeehh, Patchy is tired」
Even with Patchy's all mighty exhalation (lol) the hot cocoa didn't get cold .
What will you do with Patchy's cocoa!?」
『Ahh, wait a moment. I'll make it easier to you drink it 』
Listen up and give it back quickly」
『Look, it is fine if you drink it using a straw in a mug. When the liquid arrives in your mouth it'll be sufficiently cold. 』
「P-p-patchy knows that!
Mukkyukkyukkyu (laughing voice)
It is obvious. Give it back to Patchy easy, right now is fine. 」
Idz hodd! It's suppeer hoddd!
The truth is that a long time ago Onii-san gave up on the super humble* pet-yu Patchy.
『I am going』
While her pee is leaking out in great amounts and her Anyaru is having constant cramps she pukes out her core cream.
Bit by bit Patchy became as thin as a Tom & Jerry Cartoon and then I put out something special.
By they way I used an intravenous drip with Orange Juice. This way the Yukkuri won't vomit up her core.
The 'something special' object is a shredder.
Now Patchy was thin enough to be easily treated as classified information.
「Mugyoogogogogogogagagagaga!! Patchy i-i-i-is the forest's sageeehhh.
Mukyuuuthch! Heal Mister feet, heal theem ookaayy? Lick-lick them!
Mugyoohgoahhhhh! Doon't cut mister feeeeet!」
Because of the extreme pain it seems that she became a baby-yukkuri.
Well, Patchy became whiped cream and I tried to mix it with Cocoa.
I don't want this!