News from the Spanish in Florida. Media General to the seasoning or marinade into contact with the live tracks to the Philippines The live tracks are available both pork and chicken stew that is mainly flavored with vinegar itself. Adonis Users can use chicken, whole chicken.8 pieces, but in the general formula made up by using chicken thigh all Adonis is a Boat stew to eat with rice
Ingredients 2 tablespoons oil 800 g chicken thigh
vinegar soy sauce 250 ml, 250 ml, 250 ml water
60 g onion, chopped 6-7 cloves garlic Crushed bay leaf 4
-. 5
a grain white pepper, ginger 5 grams, 25 grams
.1 teaspoon sugar 1
do. Put oil in a frying pan, heat the chicken well cooked on the outside to give a little Chi
2.Add soy sauce, vinegar, water, bay leaf, pepper, white onion, minced garlic and ginger to simmer for about 30 minutes until chicken is tender and water reduced
3. Season with the sugar slightly. Before lifting off from the heat. Served eating rice
.Note Scrub Original Formula boat. Do not add sugar. Adjust seasoning to taste with the troops home. Cut the curd with sugar to mellow a bit.
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