The food is what to eat is non-toxic and cause beneficial to the body. Help your body grow strong and resist disease.Nutrients are chemical substances that are components of food is eaten and benefits the body uses as energy metabolism. Used in the growth and repair of the parts wear and use in the activities of living organisms. There are 6 types of fat, protein concentrate is khabo home de minerals and water.Six kinds of nutrients1. carbohydrates: sugar, flour and food categories, most of which come from crops such as sugar cane, rice, potato and taro.2. milk and eggs, meat, nuts, protein:3. fat, oil and grease, including sources from both animals and plants.4. vitamins: vegetables and fruits5. minerals, including fruits and vegetables.6. water: water and mineral water. Nutrients are divided into two types of nutrients provide energy and nutrients that the body does not make the energy body.-Nutrients, the energy body is protein and fat carbohydrates.-Non-nutrients, vitamins, energy body is minerals and water.-Nutrients, the energy body 1. carbohydrates-Found in the flour and sugar.-When did small molecules, which is glucose.-4 kcal/g power-If the body has been in plenty of fat and carbohydrates as energy sources have been collected, which rolled into the muscle and liver of both starch and glycogen is converted to glucose for use in energy metabolism.-The quantity of carbohydrates that the body should be based on the energy consumption of each person. It is 50-60% of the energy comes from carbohydrates.Benefits of carbohydrates1. the energy body2. make fat metabolism.3. store in the body to use the lack of time.The result of missing the carbohydrates will make the feeling of fatigue. The eye pattern.2. protein.-Found in the meat group. Milk, eggs, nuts-When, amino acids.-4 kcal/g power-Body fat, carbohydrates and protein is changed.-There are eight amino acids that the body type, custom synthesis, and it is necessary to get from food, called essential amino acids.The quantity of protein in the body. Kids volume 2 grams per 1 kg body weight. Adult quantity 1 g per 1 kg body weight. The benefits of protein.1. make the body grow. Repair together2. as the pivot element in the creation of enzymes. The hormone and immune systemThe result of missing protein.If you lack a protein very children will cause disease, Ka Wah SI oko (kwashiokor) Swelling of the liver, growing fatigue symptoms Adults look skinny There is no strength. Recovery from the disease, has been slow. 3. the fat.There are two types of fat, fatty-plain: fats of animal and vegetable oils and fats, egg yolk.-When fatty acid with glee, sub se cholesterol.-9 kcal/g power-Helps dissolve vitamins A E and D -Cholesterol is a fatty liver, created specially for use in the body, but should avoid foods containing collagen Leste restaurant onsung, because it will make it to accumulate on blood vessel causes artery stenosis disease-tons.-If you eat large amounts of fat, obesity, and high blood pressure.The benefits of fat. 1. is the source of energy of the body. 2. the accumulated fat under the skin, heat insulation is not to lose out from the body. 3. as a component of the nerve cell membrane the cell. The result of the lack of fat. 1. dry skin wounds and skin diseases, as it is easy. 2. make a food is not easy to stomach is hungry.Food village at 3. This village is among the 3 foods, vitamins and mineral salts body. Helps strengthen the body healthy. There is strong resistance to various diseases, and allows clitoris works as normal. This is the most important meal of vegetables such as lettuce and spinach, coccinia Indica slug leaves, green, etc. It also includes other vegetables like pumpkin, Eggplant and string beans, etc. In addition, this village has a restaurant, food waste that was taken out to be feces cause intestinal functioning as normal.Vitamins, nutrients, category Vitamins are a group of organic substances that your body needs less to make any reaction in the body as usual. The body cannot create vitamin or created, it is not a requirement. Based on the properties of soluble vitamins, vitamin a, vitamins are divided into two soluble in fats and vitamins soluble in water.Food village at 4 different fruits. Among the many fruits, vitamins and 4 minerals help make the body strong, disease resistant, and there is food residue that excretion of intestinal as cover. Important: food, fruits, banana, papaya, Orange, longan, mangosteen, etc.The category minerals, nutrients Minerals are inorganic compounds that the body group. The minerals that people need the 2 categories are.1. minerals that people need in more than 100 mg per day of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, chlorine, i.e. and sulfur.2. minerals that people need in a size 2-3 mg/day of iron, zinc, manganese, cobalt, copper, including iodine, molybdenum, fluorine and siliniam chromium.Functions of mineralsThe body has the mineral make up about 4 per cent of the weight for each type of mineral is responsible only to itself. However, the General duties of the minerals contained 5 factors.1. as a component of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, such as tissue, is an important component of bones and teeth. Bone and tooth solid2. as a component of protein. Hormones and enzymes such as steel is a type of protein component called hemoglobin (hemoglobin) that are needed to make each different tissue oxygen handling. Copper is a component of the enzyme, which is required for respiration of cells, iodine, a component of breast scene, which is essential for the functioning of the body. If your body lacks minerals, these will affect the function of the protein. Hormones and enzymes containing minerals as an element.3. Control of acid-alkali privacy request.
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