“Interesting. Very interesting!” said Six-Daos, lifting his head up and laughing loudly. “Great! What an excellent divine ability. Well, you accomplished the task I arranged for you, therefore, it’s time to fulfill my end of the bargain!” With that, he tightened his left hand, causing cracking sounds to fill the air as nearly half of the crystal ball Xu Qing’s soul was shattered. Her soul did not emerge, however, and the discarnate souls in the area all shot forward with expressions of insatiable greed.
“You!!” roared Meng Hao, his eyes bright red. Right now, he didn’t care about life or death. He didn’t care about anything in the world except for the soul in that crystal ball!
The soul’s eyes suddenly opened and looked at Meng Hao. It was a gaze filled with gentleness and longing….
“In my years of practicing cultivation,” said Six-Daos, his voice hoarse, “I’ve never kept my promises. And since you’ve managed to piss me off, do you really think I would spare you a painful death?” With a ghastly smile, he waved his hand, causing an altar to appear next to him that resembled a pagoda, with nine steps leading to its top.
On top of the altar were countless discarnate souls with bulging eyes, who emitted soundless screams.
Next, Six-Daos sent the crystal ball shooting toward the altar, where it floated in the air, emitting cracking sounds.
The crystal ball completely shattered, and Xu Qing’s soul emerged. The discarnate souls around her let out excited howls as they pounced.
“If you can save her,” said Six-Daos, looking at Meng Hao, “then I’ll keep my promise this one time.”
Meng Hao, in a frenzy, shot directly toward the altar. Before he could even get near it, though, the discarnate souls’ mouths bit into Xu Qing’s soul. Trembling, she looked over at Meng Hao, and it seemed as if there were tears in her eyes.
He felt like his heart were being ripped to shreds. His voice filled with misery, he howled, “Eat MY blood and flesh!”
With that he slashed at his chest with his hand, causing blood and gore to splash out in all directions. The aura of a Demon Sealer spread out explosively.
The discarnate souls froze, then turned their heads. The insatiable greed in their eyes surged to an apex, and they charged toward Meng Hao. In the blink of an eye they bored into Meng Hao’s chest and began to feed.
Indescribable PAIN!
However, Meng Hao didn’t care. He forced himself to continue onward. One by one, he proceeded toward the stairs that led to the top of the altar. More and more discarnate souls latched onto him, and they didn’t even bothering to bore into him before beginning to consume his flesh and blood.