企业绩效考核与薪酬体系设计实战特训班——课程简介【时间地点】 2015年7月24-26日深圳、8月13-15日北京、8月21-23日广州 9 การแปล - 企业绩效考核与薪酬体系设计实战特训班——课程简介【时间地点】 2015年7月24-26日深圳、8月13-15日北京、8月21-23日广州 9 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

企业绩效考核与薪酬体系设计实战特训班——课程简介【时间地点】 2015

【时间地点】 2015年7月24-26日深圳、8月13-15日北京、8月21-23日广州 9月10-12日上海、9月18-20日深圳
【参加对象】 企事业单位董事长、总经理、人力资源总监、人力资源经理、绩效、薪酬等
【授课方式】 讲师讲授 + 视频演绎 + 案例研讨 +角色扮演 + 讲师点评
【费 用】 五千四百元/一人/三天
报名咨询电话:◆0755-612*880*35 ◆010-516*618*63 ◆021-312*615*80
在线咨询 QQ:6983*436


















1、 什么是岗位分析;
2、 岗位分析的作用;















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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Enterprise performance evaluation and compensation system design-combat training class-course description"Time and place" in July 2015, 24-26th, August 13-15th in Shenzhen Beijing, August 21-23rd September 10-12th, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen, September 18-20th"Participants" enterprises, Chairman, General Manager, human resources officer, human resources manager, performance, compensation and other"Class" instructor + video + case + RPG + interpretation instructor reviewsThe "cost" of 5,400 Yuan/person/dayContact Tel: 0755-612*880*35 010-516*618*63 021-312*615*80Online QQ:6983*436 Registration email: (registration, please reply, full name + company name + participants contact information)Course background: Modern enterprise management, and pay more attention to "people-oriented" humanistic management model, management's focus is increasingly reflected in the people management strategies. As the Manager of human resources in modern enterprises, should be based on a strategic height to build effective human resources management system, establish a scientific appraisal and incentive systems and advanced enterprise salary system, to maximize human potential, to create a good team, and drive organizational change and innovation, ultimately achieving the Organization's sustainable development. We focused on management mode of enterprises in the Western China in the problems and doubts, and Chinese companies are now in a period of reform and innovation, held "enterprise performance measurement and salary management training class." Taught by renowned human resources expert Wei CAI, is designed to help entrepreneurs, human resources manager, open ideas, inspiring, cultivating lead the sustainable healthy development of excellent human resources management personnel, and welcome! Course objectives: Understanding pay reform, renew ideas, clear reform ideas, clear objectives Solution post measurement of knowledge, scientific job evaluation; Recognizing the importance of performance management, and correct understanding of performance management, Learning assessment methods, operating procedures and design method for comprehensive understanding of performance management, Specific KPI, and introduced the balanced scorecard, Understanding performance management of the problem in advance, and avoid operating errors. Training content: Performance appraisal KPI+BSC course outline (2 day lecture):One. Implementation of KPI and performance management systems need to address three major issues1, methodological issues faced by enterprise performance system; Judgment is based on the fact that the basis for judgment? Short term assessment and long-term assessment? Short-term or long-term interests? Key performance or non-performance? How performance management and strategic interface? Problems linked to the KPI scores and bonuses?2, managers and employees to promote awareness of the impact of performance management; The influence of traditional culture on performance management Why not willing to achieve significantly exceed goals Why implement performance management so difficult?3, the impact of management based on the implementation of KPISecond, performance systems design-the methods used to check1, fuzzy judgment method;2, 360 ° assessments;3, force distribution method; Do you want rankings? Ranking is set only a few reasonable; Ranking each level design right; Who and who ranked several three common disadvantages of the design; Very few departments how ranking? Ranking of managers and the employees? According to prepare rankings are based on the actual number of rankings? The Manager gave the staff emerge sporadically do? Ranking is to motivate the most, also inspired a small number of people? Ranking program4, key performance indicators, evaluation; Three. KPI several basic problems in operation1, what is the goal and indicators2, basic properties of KPI targets and action points Why evaluation – it difficult to scale problem; Assessment index – why they do not accept the controllability problems Why these indicators have the opposite effect-behavior problemsSelect a KPI dimensionThe validityOperational costsDiscrimination of3, the company set up KPI system of thought;Four. The balanced scorecard1, what is the balanced scorecard;2 balanced scorecard, enterprise operation errors;3, strategy and balanced scorecard have to do? --Strategy and strategic map;4, how to prepare the strategy map5 10, strategy map compilation problems related6, balance score card three ways of implementation; Five. Ways to break up the KPIKPI if not down, and would lose the Foundation, but will encounter many problems in the process of decomposition of KPI, such as: a KPI targets and many departments have relationships, who the hell check good? How to solve these problems? How the KPI down on?1, target decomposition of the problem to be solvedContradiction between the team and individual performance2, indicator 2 primary decompositionAccording to the drivers of decomposition indicator;In accordance with responsible for decomposition of indicators;3, according to the drivers of decomposition KPI indicators, the relationship between superior and subordinate indicators4, follow the four drivers of decomposition methodsAccording to indices of structural decomposition methods;OAM decomposition;Method of contribution of the road map;Process method of critical control points;The advantages and disadvantages of the four methods;Decomposition of enterprises how to combine the selected methods;5 attention problems, decomposition KPI indicators:Rights impact on target decomposition,The impact of organizational structure,Segregation of duties on indicators: effect ofHardware and software conditions of indicators: effect of Six. Compilation of index dictionaryIndicators found on the story? What's wrong with it? Why do I need to define a KPI, how to define a KPI?1, why the need to define a KPI2 definitions, financial indicators, need to be aware of the problem;Revenue problems indexProblems cost indexProblems cost indicators3, non-financial indicators, definition issues that need attention;4, who provided the data – provided, others provided, stakeholders provide?Seven, task, indicators definitionsFunction indicators, some cannot be quantified, how to define?1, function, characteristics of work;2, what is the target;3, different task assessment;4, unbalanced workloads do?5, who developed a task?6, temporary tasks to do?7, the definition of target mode;8, different leadership for staff evaluation, is different and I have to do?Eight. Determination of target valueFound the measure can do? How to determine the target? Exceeded the target should be counted, how many points? How many points did not reach the goal should have?1, set the goal of pain;2, there is no historical data to do?Target before modifying, or do not check first, accumulating data first and then check?Statutory objective 3, the origin? Or break a target?4, methods need to be aware of the origin of the problem: one size fits all? Regression analysis?5 problems and breaking through the mandated objectives: forecast is inaccurate, if you want to modify the target?6, could possible goals, chased each other to let employees – horse racing method7, the allocation of resources on the impact of goal setting;8, slack season, on the impact of goal setting;9, goal setting program10, targets for dealing with conflicts ofNine, KPI scores1, scoring what categoriesRatio method;Difference method;Description method;2, scoring design elementsWant to Cap?Different how do you tell?Do you flipDifferent scoring rules design elements;Ten. Design of weight1, what is the combination of indicators;2, types of combinations;Step and attention problem 3, set the weights;Eleven. Main base binary assessment methodFocus on key performance indicators, non-key performance indicators do? Don't pay attention to non-key performance indicators will be a problem?If comprehensive care of key performance indicators, key performance indicators and non-resource adequacy? How to solve this problem?1, the KPI will not solve the problem;2, the main performance and basic performance relationships;3, how to use in practice the main base binary assessment method;12. The problems of implementing performance management and strategy;Implementation of KPI are not just things in the human resources department or business sector, KPI what are the problems and difficulties in the process of implementing it?1, the implementation of the organizational model of performance management and the responsibilities of various departments;2, the implementation of performance management needs to address the issue;3, implementation of the system need to be addressed and skills questions4, needs to address the problem;13, communication1, planned phases of communication2, the counselling phase3, the assessment phase of the communication4, performance analysis and improvement--organizational improvement, leadership development, and employee improvement;14, course summary1, the system how to establishment;2 and the index system of the development process and issues;3, performance contract models and templates, and each element of design issues;Job analysis and salary design syllabus (1 day delivery):One. What is the job analysis1, what is the job analysis;2, the role of job analysis;Second, the method of job analysis1, the duties and responsibilities of the Organization and the sector2, common methods of job analysis--information analysis, questionnaires, observations;Three steps, job analysis and process1 design and process design, organizational structure;2, Dept design;3, job design;Design 4, job qualifications;5 design mistakes and errors, common positions;Four methods of tools and how to prepare1, business data analysis;2, efficient allocation of labour law;3, ratio method;4, the budget control Act; Salary:Introduction:What is the salary;Human resource value chain;Jobs, people, markets, the impact of performance pay;Compensation design framework , Job analysis part:1, what is the job analysisWhat is the job analysis;Job analysis needs analysis;The principles of job analysisStep 2, job analysis and processJob analysis methods;How to prepare job responsibilities;3, vocational qualificationPosition race Division;Prepared by the qualifications of the position;4, how to determine the method of preparation toolsBusiness data analysis;Efficient allocation of labour law;The proportion method;The budget control Act; Second, compensation design need to be addressed – internal equity1. why job evaluation;2. methods of job evaluation used;3. the common job evaluation tools;4. how to design or choose a job evaluation model;5. job evaluation procedures and issues;6. post assessment cases Third, compensation design need to be addressed – external equity1. What is an external equity;2. how to conduct a salary survey;3. how to handle salary survey data;4. how to determine salary levels;5. calculation of median difference; Division of four, pay structure;1, what is the salary structure;2, the calculation of rates of remuneration and the degree of overlap;3, broadband or narrowband;4, the proportion of fixed and variable dividing issues to be consideredSalary levelsIndustry characteristicsManagement levelJob sequence; Five, compensation and the relationship between1. why pay linked to the needs and capacities;2. what circumstances linked to the needs and capacities;3. skills pay to help enterprises solve three problems;4. how to assess employee skills;5. the salary increase is the core competency, performance is at the core; Design how to make six, bonus linked to the company, Department and individual;1, several corporate, departmental, personal bonuses linked to patterns of thinking;Modes 2, comparison of advantages and disadvantages;3、集团公司下属分子公司的效益是否要与集团公司挂钩? 七、奖金设计与外部因素的影响1、老总的奖金究竟该不该发?2、采购经理的奖金究竟该不该发?3、如果过滤外部因素的影响; 八、企业内各部门奖金设计的要点1、销售部门提成制,还是奖金制?2、项目类型工作奖金的设计;3、生产部门奖金的设计;4、年薪制奖金的设计; 九、发奖金的周期1、奖金周期与考核周期;2、年终奖还是年中奖;3、时机选择要考虑的要点;4、奖金的滞后性; 十、薪酬管理1、薪酬分析;企业宏观的薪酬分析——投入产出;微观的薪酬分析——内部竞争比率与外部竞争比率;2、如何给员工设计加薪按照业绩考核成绩加薪;分数与排名对加薪的影响;按照能力加薪;按照能力与业绩综合考虑加薪;按照能力与业绩与员工在宽带中的位置加薪;3、薪酬预算与控制 培训讲师:蔡巍 国内知名的人力资源管理实务专家,工商管理硕士,权威人力资源管理实战专家,特别在绩效与薪酬体系设计方面有很深的造诣,形成了自己特有的实战方法;曾为大型企业集团、上市公司、连锁业集团、高科技公司等多个行业的众多企业进行过全面的人力资源咨询服务。是《中国经营报》、《人力资本》等多家媒体专栏的特约撰稿人和专家评论员 Mr Chua recently published books are: the centipede running: how assessment to promote growth, the whistle of the ox: to pay to retain talent and the KPI, "performance" guidelines of success, the BSC, the "balanced scorecard" to ensure development, highly valued by enterprises, and to give high reviews. Had counselling and participate in had CAI teacher training of enterprise has: Dongfeng car, and East soft group, and China oil shares, and TCL, and Qingdao Beer, and vibration Jay international, and Skyworth group, and xugong group, and 31 heavy workers, and Guangdong high-speed, and ABC, and Beijing Netcom, and Shanxi mobile, and Henan mobile, and Ningbo into road group, and Dongfeng learn Citroen, and Citroen, and China Telecom, and Guangzhou West Christine cosmetics, and million home Le gas water heater, and gree air conditioning, and South Airlines, and Xinjiang China world Dan drug industry, and South Lee Kam remember, and first letter group, and light dimension he milk, and laborers technology, and Dashi, Topband electronic intelligence, Wuhan groupAnd beautiful group and other enterprises.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Enterprise performance appraisal and pay system design real Gifted classes - Course Description
[time] place 24-26 July 2015 in Shenzhen, Beijing, August 13-15, August 21-23, September 10-12 in Guangzhou Shanghai, September 18-20 in Shenzhen
[Attendees] enterprises, chairman, president, human resources director, human resources manager, performance, compensation, etc.
[Teaching methods] Lecturers teach + video interpretation + case studies + RPG + Lecturers Reviews
[cost] five thousand four hundred yuan / person / three days
Registration Tel: ◆ 0755-612 * 880 * 35 ◆ 010-516 * 618 * 63 ◆ 021-312 * 615 * 80
online advice QQ: 6983 * 436
Registration mail: (registration, please reply, the company name + participant full name + contact information) Curriculum: modern business management, more focus on "people-oriented" humane management, enterprise management focus is also reflected growing On people management strategy. As a modern enterprise human resource managers should build an efficient and practical strategic human resource management system, establish a scientific evaluation and incentive systems and advanced enterprise salary system, in order to maximize their human potential to create outstanding team, and to promote the organization change and innovation, and ultimately to achieve sustainable development of the organization. Our Chinese enterprises in the implementation of Western management model drawbacks and doubts, as well as Chinese companies now in the era of reform and innovation, is organizing "corporate performance appraisal and compensation management combat Gifted classes." Human resources experts from the famous Cai Wei teach, to help entrepreneurs, human resource manager open ideas, inspiration, culture lead the company sustained and healthy development of excellence in human resources management talent, welcome to join! Course objectives: to understand the background of the pay reform, new ideas, clarify reform ideas, clear objectives of the reform, job evaluation solution knowledge, scientific conduct job evaluation; awareness of the importance of performance management and performance management, correct understanding of learning assessment methods, a comprehensive understanding of operating procedures and design methods of performance management, focusing on learning KPI, and introduced the balanced scorecard, performance management to promote understanding of the issues, and to avoid operation errors. Training: Performance Evaluation KPI + BSC syllabus (two days taught): a. KPI three problems with the implementation of performance management systems need to be addressed 1, methodological problems faced by enterprises to establish performance system; and to feel the basis of fact-based judgment or judgment? Short-term or long-term assessment of the assessment? Short-term benefits or long-term interests? Key performance or non-critical performance? How Performance Management and Strategy Interface? KPI achievements and bonuses of the problem? 2, managers and employees to understand the impact of the implementation of performance management; the influence of traditional culture of performance management objectives Why not achieve significant excess Why implement performance management so difficult? 3, the impact of management based on the implementation of the KPI Second, the performance system design - the assessment method used in a fuzzy feeling based method; 2,360 ° assessment; 3, forced distribution method; not to rank? Performance rankings set up a few files only reasonable; performance ranking for each grade design what proportion is only reasonable; who and who is ranked number three common ways of design advantages and disadvantages; the small number of departments how rankings? Whether executives and employees to rank with you? Or in accordance with the actual number of ranking according to rankings compiled? Paries managers to employees how to do? The ranking is to motivate the majority, or encourage a small number of people? Ranking program 4 key performance indicators for assessment; III. KPI operation few basic questions 1. What are the objectives and targets 2, the basic attributes and operations KPI indicators points to note why the evaluation feels difficult to operate - scale problem; why do not they accept these assessment indicators - controllable question Why are counterproductive after the assessment of these indicators - behavioral problems Select kpi dimension effectiveness operating costs discrimination 3, the company established the idea KPI system; IV. BSC 1, what is the Balanced Scorecard; 2, enterprise operating BSC errors; 3, strategy and Balanced Scorecard What is the relationship? - Strategy and strategic map; 4, how to prepare a strategic map 5, the strategic map compilation should be noted that 10 question 6, three ways to calculate the balance scorecard implementation; five. How to break KPI KPI continue to implement if you do not break down, it will lose the foundation, but the decomposition of KPI process will encounter many problems, such as: a kpi indicators and a lot of departments have a relationship, in the end who is good assessment? How to solve these problems? How to break down the implementation KPI forever? Question 1, the need to address the indicators of decomposition team performance and individual performance of the contradiction between the two, the decomposition of the two kinds of indicators basic idea according to the driving factor decomposition index; according to the responsible person decomposition targets; 3, according to the driving factor decomposition KPI index, the higher the index subordinate relationship between indicators and 4, in accordance with the four drivers of decomposition method in accordance with the structure of index decomposition method; OAM decomposition; the contribution of the road map method; process critical control point method; advantages and disadvantages of the four methods; enterprises to combine their The actual selection method of decomposition; 5, KPI indicators of decomposition attention to the problem: the right to index Decomposition, influence organizational structure, segregation of duties indicators decomposition of hardware and software conditions Conditions Index Decomposition of six. Developing indicators dictionary index found everything will be fine? There are still problem? Why do you need to define KPI, KPI definition of what? 1, why the need to define KPI 2, the definition of financial indicators, you need to pay attention to the problem; income class indicators need to pay attention to the problem of cost assessment indicators need attention Expense indicators need to pay attention to issues 3, non-financial indicators, the definition of problems that need attention; 4, who will provide the data - to provide their own, others offer stakeholders? Seven, how to define the task index indicator functions, and some can not be quantified, how to define? 1, features the work of departments; 2, what is the task of indicators; 3. assessment of the difficulty of different tasks; 4, how to handle the workload is not balanced? 5. Who sets the task? 6, more temporary assignments handled? 7, task indicator definition mode; 8, leading to different staff appraisal, my system does not just have to do? Eight. Target value is determined to find a measure can be proud? How to determine the goal? Exceeding the target should count how many points? Etc., how should not reach the target? 1, set a target of pain; 2, there is no historical data is how to do? First set the target to modify, or to not examine, first re-assessment data accumulated? 3, the origin of the statutory objectives? Or break hair set goals? 4, the origin of law issues that need attention: one size fits all? Regression analysis? 5, breaking the statutory objectives require attention: the prediction is not accurate, if you want to modify the target? 6, can not be uncertain goal, so that employees catch - Horse Racing Act 7, Resources on the objectives set; 8, off-season season, the impact on the target set; 9, goal setting program 10 goals conflict processing IX of scoring the KPI 1, scoring rules which category ratio method; layer difference method; Descriptions Act; 2, scoring rules design elements not to cap? The difficulty of how to distinguish different? Do not pour points to elements of different scoring rules designed; ten. Weight design 1. What is combination indicators; the type 2, a combination of methods; 3, set the weight of steps and attention problems; XI. Based binary assessment method main concern of key performance indicators, key performance indicators of non-how to do? Is not concerned with non-critical performance indicators will be problems? If the full attention of key performance indicators and non-critical performance indicators, the adequacy of resources? How to solve this problem? 1, KPI can not solve the problem; 2, the relationship with the underlying performance of key performance; 3, how to use the main based binary assessment method in practice; XII. The implementation of performance management problems and countermeasures encountered; implementation of KPI is not just something the HR department or business administration department, KPI what problems and difficulties in the process of implementing it? 1, the implementation of performance management organizational model and responsibilities of various departments; 2, the implementation of performance management need to address the question of perception; 3, the implementation of the system need to be addressed and skills issues 4, the implementation of the mentality of the problem to be solved; XIII, the performance of communication 1, the planning stage performance communication 2, counseling stage 3, stage performance appraisal communication 4, Performance Analysis and Improvement - organizational improvement, improve leadership, employee improvement; XIV, Lessons Learned 1. Performance system should how to prepare; 2, the index system developed processes and attention problems; model and model 3, the performance of the contract issues and design considerations for each feature; job analysis and salary design syllabus (one day teach): a. What is the job analysis 1. What is the job analysis; 2. the role of job analysis; Second, the method of job analysis 1, the relationship between the organization and functions of the departments and job responsibilities method commonly used job analysis - data analysis, questionnaire , observation; steps and processes three job analysis of an organizational structure design and process design; 2, department duty design; 3, design job responsibilities; 4, job qualifications design; 5, the common design errors and mistakes posts ; Fourth, how to determine the method of preparation of the tool 1, business data analysis; 2, setting a quota law labor efficiency; 3, the ratio method; 4, Budget Control Act; compensation design: Introduction: What is the salary; human resource value chain; posts people, the market, the impact of performance on pay; frame compensation design a, job analysis section: 1. What is the job analysis of what is job analysis; job analysis requires what; the principle of job analysis in step 2, job analysis and process The method of job analysis; and how to develop job responsibilities; 3. Qualification ethnic divide jobs; job qualification preparation methods; 4, how to determine the method of preparation tools business data analysis; setting a quota law labor efficiency; ratio method; Budget Control Act; Second, the compensation design need to solve the conflict - internal equity 1. Why job evaluation; 2. job evaluation method used; 3. Common job evaluation tool introduced; 4. How to design or select a job evaluation model; 5 The program and attention to the problem of job evaluation; 6. job evaluation Case III, compensation design needs to solve conflicts - external equity 1. What is external equity; 2. How to pay survey; 3. How to deal with salary survey data ; 4. How to determine salary levels; 5. median differential calculation; four, divided salary structure; 1. What is the salary structure; 2, the amplitude and the degree of overlap of remuneration; 3, broadband or narrowband; 4, Problems fixed and variable proportions of division to consider the pay levels of industry characteristics management level positions sequence; V. remunerated and ability 1. Why do I need and ability to pay hooks; 2. Under what circumstances need to be linked to capacity; 3. Skills Salary help enterprise to solve three problems; 4. How to assess employees' skills; 5. raise is, the ability of the core, or in the performance of the core; six bonus design how to make the company, department and individual three hooks; 1, several companies, department, thinking pattern of individual bonuses; 2, comparative advantages and disadvantages of several models; 3, the group affiliated subsidiaries benefit if you want to be linked to the company? Seven bonus design and external factors influence 1, the general manager of what should or should not send money? 2, the purchasing managers bonuses what you should or should send? 3, if the filter external factors; eight points of various departments within the enterprise prize designed 1, sales commission system, or bonus system? 2, project type work bonus of design; 3, the production department of the design prize; 4, bonus salary system design; Nine, bonuses cycle 1 bonus cycle and evaluation cycle; 2, the end of the year or years of winning awards; 3, the timing Select the points to be considered; 4, bonuses lag; ten, compensation management 1, salary analysis; enterprise macro Compensation Analysis - input and output; microscopic analysis of salary - the ratio of internal competition and external competition ratio; 2, how designed to raise staff salary increases in accordance with the performance assessment results; impact score and ranking of the salary increase; according to the ability to raise; according to ability and performance considering salary increases; according to ability and performance and staff positions in broadband in salary; 3 Remuneration Budget and Control Trainer: Miss Wei well-known experts in human resource management practices, MBA, Human Resource Management Authority real experts, particularly with deep knowledge in the performance pay system design, formed its own unique combat Method; many companies who have large enterprise groups and listed companies, chain industry group, high-tech companies and other industries carried out a comprehensive human resources consulting services. "China Business", freelance writer and expert commentator in "human capital" and other media columnist Mr. Cai books published in recent years, are: "The Running Centipede: How to assess promote growth", "whistle cattle: to pay to retain talent "," KPI, "Key Performance" Guidelines successful "," BSC, "balanced scorecard" guaranteed development "by enterprises attach great importance, and to give a high review. Tsai had attended counseling and training companies are: Dongfeng Motor, Neusoft Group, China Petroleum shares, TCL, Qingdao Beer, Zhenjie International, Skyworth Group, XCMG, Sany Heavy Industry, Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development, Agricultural Bank of Beijing Netcom, Shanxi Mobile, Henan Mobile, Ningbo Road Group, Dongfeng Citroen school, Citroen, China Telecom, Guangzhou West-ting cosmetics, Macro gas water heater, Gree, China Southern Airlines Xinjiang Huashi Dan medicine, the South Lee Kum Kee, Capitel Group, Guangming Vitasoy, laborers technology, real smart, Topband, Wuhan record high group , the United States Group, and other enterprises.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Enterprise performance evaluation and salary system design practical training courses: Course Description
[time and place] July 2015 24-26, Shenzhen, August 13-15, Beijing, August 21-23 Guangzhou September 10-12, Shanghai, 9 month 18-20 Shenzhen
[to object the chairman of the board of directors of the enterprises and institutions, general manager, director of human resources, human resources manager, performance appraisal, salary and other
[teaching] lecturer teaching video interpretation case studies and role play instructor comments
[cost] 5400 yuan / one / three days
registration consultation telephone:] 0755-612*880*35] 010-516*618* 63] 021-312*615*80
Online consulting QQ:6983*436
box: (registration, please reply and company name participants in full contact)

curriculum registration:

the modern enterprise management, pay more attention to humanized management mode of "people-oriented", the focus of enterprise management has become increasingly reflected in the management strategy. As a modern enterprise human resources management should be to build a strategic height is practical and efficient human resources management system, establish scientific evaluation incentive system and advanced enterprise salary system, in order to maximize inspire the potential of talents, to create excellent team, and promote the organization change and innovation.Finally realize the organization's sustainable development. We focused on Chinese enterprises in the implementation of the western management mode of malpractices and doubts, and Chinese companies are currently in the period of reform and innovation, to hold the "enterprise performance evaluation and salary management of actual combat training classes". By the famous human resources experts Caiwei teaching, designed to help entrepreneurs, the human resources manager open ideas, inspiration, cultivate the leading enterprise sustained and healthy development of the excellence in human resources management talent, is welcome!

the curriculum objective: to understand the background of the reform, to update the ideas, to clarify the reform ideas, to make clear the reform objectives, and to understand the relevant knowledge of job evaluation,Scientific job evaluation;
understanding the importance of performance management, and proper understanding of performance management,
learning assessment method, a comprehensive understanding of the performance management, operational procedures and design methods,
key learning KPI, and introduces the balanced scorecard,
understanding of performance management to promote the problem, and to avoid errors in the operation of the.

training content:
performance KPI BSC syllabus (2 days) to teach:
1. Methods of implementation of KPI and performance management system to solve the three problems
1, enterprises to establish a performance management system facing;
to feel as a judgment basis or in fact based judgment? Short term assessment or long-term assessment?Short-term interests or long-term interests? Key performance or non critical performance? How do performance management and strategic interface?
KPI results and bonuses linked to the problem?
2, managers and employees on the implementation of performance management;
traditional culture of performance management effect of
why not willing to achieve greatly exceeded the target
why implement performance management so difficult?
3, management based on the implementation of the KPI of
second, performance system design, evaluation the method of
1, fuzzy judgment method;
2, 360 degree assessment;
3, compulsory distribution method;
want to ranking?

, it is reasonable to set up a few files.Performance ranking of each grade design what proportion is reasonable;
who and who ranked three common ways of the advantages and disadvantages of the design; the number of the number of people rarely ranking? Is the supervisor in the rankings? According to the preparation of the rankings or in accordance with the actual number of rankings? How do managers give employees
paries? The ranking is to motivate the majority, or to motivate a small number of people?
4, key performance indicators,,.KPI,
1, what are the basic attributes of the target and index
2, KPI index, and the operating points of attentionWhy evaluation feel it is very difficult to operate -- scale;
why they don't accept these assessment indicators, the controllability problem
why assessment of these indicators backfired, behavioral problems
select KPI dimension
operation cost
3, in the company to establish the idea of KPI system;
1 of Balanced Scorecard, what is the Balanced Scorecard;
2, enterprise operation balanced scorecard misunderstanding;
3, strategy and the balanced score card, what is the relationship between? -- strategy and strategy map;
4, how to compile the strategic map
5, and the 10 issues that need to be paid attention to in the compilation of the strategic map
6,Balance calculation card implementation in three ways;

5. How to decompose KPI
KPI if does not decompose implement down, you will lose the foundation, but KPI decomposition process will encounter many problems, such as: a KPI and many departments, exactly whose assessment good?? How to solve these problems? How will the KPI be implemented?
1, index decomposition contradictory
2 between the need to address the problem
team performance and individual performance, indicators of decomposition of 2 basic idea of
according to the driving factors decomposition indicators;
liability in accordance with the indicators of decomposition;
3, according to the driving factors of KPI index decomposition.Superior index and the lower index between
4, according to the decomposition of driving factors of four methods of
according to the structure of the index decomposition method;
OAM decomposition method;
with path diagram;
process critical control point method; the advantages and disadvantages of the four methods
enterprises how to combine their actual situation choose decomposition method;
5, decomposing the attention problem of KPI:
rights on histological structure of the
indicators of decomposition of the impact effect,
duty division of indicators of decomposition of influence
hardware and software conditions of indicators of decomposition of the effect of

6. Index dictionary compilation
index found is the? What problems still exist? Why need to define KPI,
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