But it’s also pretty obvious that Tao also values every member of EXO (K or M). He cried when he talked about missing the K members, and he cried some more when they were reunited for his birthday. Tao is a very caring attentive character. He’s the type that would say, “as long as everyone is happy together, I will be happy.” When people struggle through something together (training in this case), it creates a type of bond that cannot be broken. It takes a lot of pain to bring people as close as this, and these boys are all close to each other, no matter what. They HAVE to depend on each other from now on as well, because they’re as close to family as they’ll have. With this type of thinking in mind, they automatically know that even when they fight or dislike each other, they must learn to mend things and remain at least on tolerable terms. From what I’ve seen, Tao is on good terms with most, if not all of the EXO members