Satou's here. Fake and Real, there's this TV program about recognizing the real one, but in a parallel world, since there are skills and magic, it's difficult for the impostor and the identifier.
"Gjallarhorn he said? Don't tell me, it's the real thing?"
Arisa is astonished.
Is that twisting holy sword famous. I'll ask what kind of anecdote it has next time.
The fake hero's sword is also named Gjallarhorn when I see it with AR, however the type is not of holy sword, but magic sword. The explanation is the same as the one I have even though it's just a magic tool. Needless to say, it's a counterfeit. It's only as strong as a normal iron sword, and the appearance is also just a normal straight sword.
"Hero, you dare to strike me with the fake sword I've given to you! Foolish."
"Shut up, demon! Where did you put the real consul!"
I see, so they interpret it like that.
I'd like to stop doing this farce and deal with it as soon as possible, since there's a high possibility that the split body (splitter) is connected with the real body. If I eliminate it with overwhelming force, the real body could be cautious and conceal itself somewhere. It'd be annoying if that happens.
Looks like Pochi is impatient with the fake hero's fighting, she's pulling the hem of my robe.
"Can Pochi fight too?"
Even though the opponent is a demon, it's just level 1. From the look of thing, it's stronger than a normal level 1, but Pochi should be able to neutralize it while unhurt.
"Alright. Be careful since the enemy can use magic."
The demon screams even though it shouldn't have heard my word. However, the effect of the magic doesn't materialize.
"Tou! Nano desu."
Pochi who shouts out her fighting spirit slash through the split body with her dagger. She aimed at the shoulder like she's always doing with thieves.
And then, right after the split body (splitter) HP becomes zero, it turns into black dust and disappears.
Pochi sure is strong.
Or rather, the splitter's HP is even less than thieves' so it's over in one hit.
"Amazing desuwa. Pochi-chan."
"To think she's this strong even though she's so cute! The beastkin who has saved Toruma is Pochi-dono right!"
The baron family are praising Pochi.
However, Pochi's ears are fallen. She's coming toward me with heavy step as if she's a remnant of a defeated army. And then, she looks at me with upturned eyes. Little tears are coming out of the corner of her eyes.
"I'm sorry, nano desu. I've killed the dark person."
Wasn't it similar with the gargoyle we had defeated back then?
Perhaps, she might have thought that she's also not allowed to kill strange-looking things.
Though I guess it's also ambiguous for me. I don't want to kill people or demi-humans, but I'm fine with obliterating demons. I guess it's because how they look after all?
I should have dealt with it using Remote Arrow than having Pochi shows such face.
"It's alright, Pochi. Thank you for protecting everyone."
I hug Pochi close and comfort her.
After this disturbance is over, I'll make her eat extraordinarily delicious steak until she gives up eating it, "I can't eat anymore nodesu~."
"Right, we have to save the real consul!"
"That's right desuwa, I wonder where is the consul being held."
Even though it transformed in front of their eyes, the interpretation still became like this. How should I persuade them.
I whispered to Arisa to give her permission. Many records of mind magic that have been successfully used are appearing on the log. It's the same magic used by the demon for making people believe easily. They say to fight fire with fire.
"The demon earlier is the real consul you know."
"What stupid things are you saying?"
"There's no way it's true."
"That's right desuwa."
No one believes the facts spoken by Arisa. Did they resist it?
I should follow up.
"Everyone has been manipulated by the demon's magic. As a proof, no one remembers even the name of the consul right?"
"That is so, but."
"But, if consul-sama isn't here."
"To think that consul-sama was really a demon. Even though he was the first person who recognized me as a hero..."
Oh? They're accepting my opinion now even though they readily denied Arisa's words? Even though the contents of what I said weren't much different. I wonder if this is the effect of negotiation or persuasion skills?
"Then, do you remember since when was the consul appointed?"
"I don't remember. Was it 10 years ago? No, there was gramp at that time. When did gramp disappear?"
"He was there when Karina came into age."
"Rondol-sama wasn't the only butler. Since when I wonder, the people who were attending here have mostly gone."
Butler-san is also going along with the baron's confusion. Looks like their manipulated memory has been slightly ripped apart from the information and it's starting to come back to them.
I find an underling of the duke in the gaol, and confirm the name to the baron.
"Baron-sama, are you familiar with a honor-viscount called Nina Rottol?"
"Umu, I do. She's a consul candidate which was sent to our territory along with the letter from the lord duke 5 years ago."
He answered smoothly. And then, baron's expression harden after he finished answering.
"Why was it candidate. Our territory already had a consul. But, viscount Nina died of accidental death and I asked the consul from previous generation to take her place..."
"Perhaps, the demon utilized the time when Nina-sama was going to be inaugurated as the consul and used mind magic for manipulation."
However, no one questions why do I have those informations. Unexpectedly, they might be thinking that I'm a subordinate of the duke. Maybe it's the effect of deception skill.
"To tell you the truth, I've got information from the intelligence shop inside the city back then, it's said that Nina-sama and priest-sama have been thrown into the dungeon by the demon."
"How terrible! Viscount Nina! We have to save her immediately."
Baron-sama instructs butler-san to save them each.
Now then, the domestic affairs of this territory should manage somehow with this. I pray that the person called Nina-san is an able person.