It is a guide. > Forwarded message: > > From: The Chemical Society of Japan mail communication
> 日付: October 21, 2015 at 08:35:04 GMT+9
> 宛先: 堤治
> Subject: ■ chemical technology basic course polymer structure property relationships elucidation characterization course for - also seen in the way one up to this complicated structure! Thorough lecture over from the beginner to the application
> ■ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ■
> ☆ Chemical Society of Japan mail communication ☆ No. 2015-10-21 (nationwide delivery)
> outgoing Date ◇ October 21, 2015
> source ◇ Chemical Society of Japan
> ■ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ■
> Tsutsumi Osamu like (membership number: 1,940,615,400)
> <<< chemical technology basic course >>>
> of structure property relationships elucidation of polymer Characterization course for
> - also seen in the way one up to this complicated structure! Thorough lecture over from the beginner to the application
> Http://Www.Chemistry.Or.Jp/event/calendar/2015/07/T151119.Html
> ◇ Organizer: The Chemical Society of Japan academia exchange committee
> ◇ Dates: 2015 November 19 (Thursday), 20 (Friday)
> ◇ Venue: chemical Kaikan (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)
> ◇ Chair: Tashiro Koji (TTI)
> ◇ purpose: to try to understand deeply the physical properties of the polymeric material If you want to, most fundamental importance
> structural information (chemical structure, molecular weight, molecular three-dimensional structure, such as the molecular chain aggregate state) of
it is essential to know> details. Everyone is, the comb to a variety of devices for that
you imagine to be woven performing a> lot of data collection. However, the pile of
> data exactly quantitatively Are you "analysis"? Analysis results well the "interpretation"
Do you can>? This course is not a mere introductory course.
> By performing characterization also well, deep-depth information up to here
> is obtained! In mind that for you to feel strongly on this point, the basic concepts introduced
> Starting, until thoroughly-depth characterization technique
> to systematically professor.
> ◇ target: personnel changes and reassignment, by the start of such new businesses, new in the art
mid-level technicians and professional researchers aim to> knowledge acquisition. The chemical knowledge of the art basic
technical new employees who want to learn from the>. Chemistry students who wish to employment in chemical company.
> ◇ participation fee individual regular members (including corporate membership) 25,000 yen, student member 10,000 yen, non-members 40,000 yen
> ※ session the first day evening banquet fee is free, lunch two days are included in the participation fee.
> ※ Please issued by the URL of the invoice the application acceptance notification e-mail.
> ※ Please transfer by the end of the month of next month held.
> ◇ Application: HTTPS:? //Event.Csj.Jp/form/view.Php id = 106.73 thousand
> ◇ recruiting personnel: (departs from 10 people) 50 people
> ◇ program
> November 19 (Thursday) 10:00 to 17:10 (after the end of social gathering)
> 10:00 to 10:20 course at the start of
> Tashiro Koji (TTI)
> 10:20 to 11:20 a polymer character for product development Characterization
> ~ ~ To express the power
> Nobuko Kato (based Bridgestone Corporation)
> organic material, a polymer material is used as a product of a variety of fields.
> In the development of material that expresses a new function, increasingly sophisticated molecular design,
> complexation with metals and inorganic material, hybridization is advanced, a lot of
it has caused a> innovation. These materials originated innovation
for> support came polymer characterization, and sprinkled also case studies,
to explain the mind set required for those who engage in> new product development.
> 11:20 to 11:30 incubation time
> 11:30 to 13:00 polymer of crystal, amorphous, higher-order structure analysis (wide angle, small-angle X-ray scattering)
> Sasaki Garden (Kyotokogeisen'idai)
> to clarify the hierarchy having the molecular level in the polymer to the conformation,
> MACROSS a COPIC characteristics for microscopic molecular design of the polymeric material
can be said that the key to> Thus achieved. Wide and small angle X-ray scattering method,
> is essential to examine the complex aggregate structure of such a polymer.
> It is possible to explain the basis of X-ray scattering method, state-of-the-art using synchrotron radiation
to refer to the> structural studies.
> 1:00 p.m. to 2:20 p.m. lunch meeting
> 14:20 to 15:50 morphology and atomic and molecular interactions of polymer chains (vibrational spectroscopy)
> Tashiro Koji (TTI)
> infrared Raman spectra but the embodiment is not used only for the identification of the functional groups of the polymer.
> Polymer chains of the form and set state, more surprisingly nano-scale
to reflect sensitive also> morphology. About Application of vibrational spectroscopy polymer
in an easy-to-understand>, and as well as discussed in advanced level, to the actual structure analysis
presenting the> application examples.
> 15:50 to 16:10 incubation time break
> 16:10 to 17:10 state-of-the-art polymer characterization (Part 1) can be seen up to this
> Tashiro Koji (TTI)
> polymer of molecular weight not fixed, and exhibits a very complex texture
is a> "mysterious" material. Thus the user is not supposed to be seen and structural details of the ...
> there are many people who are giving up from the beginning that way. Unfortunately,
> it is a misunderstanding. The relationship between complex structure and motility and physical properties of the polymer
> be apparent from a variety of levels, this is what characterization of
a> favorite. Of sophistication and high molecular characterization technology of polymer materials
> progress has led to today coupled as car wheels. Here, state-of-the-art polymer
introduce the application examples of> characterization.
> 17:15 to 18:40 social gathering
> November 20 (Friday) 9:30 to 16:30
> 9:30 to 11:00 molecular weight and molecular weight distribution (mass spectrometry, chromatography light scattering)
> Hiroshi Nakamura (Kyoto Univ.)
> the definition and concepts about the molecular weight and molecular weight distribution, which is a characteristic amount to the polymer
> to understand. Essential molecular weight and its distribution on the research and development of polymer on it
for> various determination method, we show the respective measurement principles and features. Macromolecule
or can understand how from the point of view of> molecular weight, from the basic to the most advanced
> to understand easy to commentary.
> 11:00 to 11:10 incubation time
> 11:10 to 12:40 structure and motility of the polymer (solution and solid NMR)
> Atsushi Asano (NDA)
If> static structure of the polymer only not to understand the dynamic structure of the polymer material
is extremely important in designing the physical properties and functions under the> usage. NMR method can be
very good in understanding the structure and movement of the polymer in the> solution or solid
is> technique. In this lecture, to lecture in an easy-to-understand its know-how.
> 12:40 to 13:40 Lunch
> 13:40 to 14:40 state-of-the-art polymer characterization (Part 2) can be seen up to this
> Tashiro Koji (TTI)
> state-of-the-art polymer followed in the first half We introduce the application examples of characterization.
> 14:40 to 14:50 incubation time
> 14:50 to 15:30 capture the new appearance of the polymer leading edge huge science (synchrotron radiation, neutron) introduction of
> Tashiro Koji (TTI) / Sasaki Garden ( Kyotokogeisen'idai)
> we will introduce the contribution to the synchrotron radiation and neutron facilities such as the latest of a giant science polymer research.
> 15:30 to 15:50 incubation time break
> 15:50 to 16:30 comprehensive discussion "of polymer characterization difficulty and importance"
> Tashiro Koji (TTI)
> ◇ Contact: Nippon Chemical Kai Planning Department Kawase
> E-mail Sangakuattochemistry.Or.Jp
> TEL 03-3292-6163
> ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━
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