King Bhumibol Adulyadej, the father of Royal Thai. He is the respect for our love Thai strongly. He shamefully patience. Hope people find happiness in life.Imprinted in the spirit of all Thai people, including me. Because he believes the magnificent dinner with the virtues of the king.You make the developed country. And to improve the nation prosperous, maintain independence. Though he tired whatsoever, but he never gave up.In economic and agriculture. He is the inventor of artificial artificial rain. Underwater turbine including the sufficiency economy. At present, which cause beneficial to all people.A water storage irrigation farming, but he will have his talents, many แล้วตลอด period almost 60 years. Since he was crowned mighty throne coronation as king.He toiled body to assemble all duties. To the people of you for a long time. He worked hard and never refrain, it was time 60 years, Thai people live peaceful happiness under the gracious,He is the father of the Thai people, everyone forever!
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..