每一个战兽,都有弱点。 战兽之间的最大区别,在于武者无法找到强大战兽的弱点,而弱小的战兽,任何人一眼就可以看出。 强化类战兽,表面看起来没有 การแปล - 每一个战兽,都有弱点。 战兽之间的最大区别,在于武者无法找到强大战兽的弱点,而弱小的战兽,任何人一眼就可以看出。 强化类战兽,表面看起来没有 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

每一个战兽,都有弱点。 战兽之间的最大区别,在于武者无法找到强大战兽的




















































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Each battle beast, all have weaknesses. Biggest difference between beast and is unable to find a strong weakness of the Beast Wars, weak battle beast, anyone can tell at a glance. Strengthening class war beasts, seemingly without weaknesses, unlike element class war beasts that have limited attacks or war beasts mammals like war in the attack could not protect the owner, special classes, most are living, is the world known as slag in the slag, and more than that. Enhanced battle beasts, appears to be the most attractive on the surface, as it relates to the owner, and enhance the power of master ... ... But in Dragon city, everyone knows, strengthening battle beasts, there must be a fatal weakness, once that Achilles was hit, whether beast or a master, is very easy to hit! With enhanced beast Warrior class warfare against, just need to do one thing, that is, find out weaknesses and then be hit. Yueyang now! Yueyang students to strengthen such beasts don't know much, but when I went to Castle in, knowledgeable of falls city, imparting some animal knowledge with great interest to this silly little thieves didn't even know basic knowledge ... ... Among them, the weakness of the iron claw was just mentioned bear! After getting the blessing of the iron claw bear, master Pi Ren as leather, bone-hard as iron, fingertips like claws, whole body instead of invulnerability, and mighty. But it also has a very obvious weakness, it's chest, with a half-moon of white printed, as long as the hits, then host and beast would be many times more damage than usual! The "big bang! "Punishment of Church elders that bears huge paws. A heavy blow on the ground. Suddenly, stone-paved road four five-lobed, stone splash, deep holes, and Cobweb-shaped fissures appeared on a flat surface. "To hell with you! "Just hit, only physical remnant of Yueyang. Have runaway Yueyang classmates, his movement has gone beyond the early Church elders can see, the speed of punishment, his whole being spiral flying half empty, and the spiral force, Church elders to bear the penalty into a truncated spear in the chest, deep into the. Church elders weaknesses in penalty hit, suffering terrible howl at the same time, his fist, on the left hook and right uppercut, uppercut, straight, serial and beaten along with left elbow sweep. Finally, the Yueyang leaped up like a Cheetah, hands tight criminal head of Church elders, he gradually lifting the face of bear, a wild crazy knee, his teeth broken, collapsing directly fly. Church elders blood penalty splash out of the five senses, abnormal-looking terrorist. Pain punishment Church elders find their weakness was broken, and near-death of the beast, got into a panic, desperate to turn around, trying to escape. But his head toward the direction, is where the United States women's coach there ... ... Two sentenced in red stare, his boss felt powerless, die to happen, not just begging for mercy not to escape, to fight somebody else tried to protect the mother? Want to die that back? Heart and crazy, and then hate, can't you? 这样做,简直就是迫对方杀了自己……正面打不过,却发狠去劫持别人的母亲和妹妹,这也太过份了吧? 其实在他们两人眼中看来,如果刑堂长老不苦苦相迫,这位废柴三少根本不会发飚,就算发飚也不会愤怒成这个样子,也不会非要杀了他不可!现在的情况很明显,三少爷其实一直都在苦修战技,但隐而不发,自己秘密地修练,族中无人知道,在契约宝典之后,三少爷很可能想回家一洗废柴之名,偏偏遇上这种事,所以他想不暴发都不行了! 这就是迫虎上山啊! “嚎嚎嚎嚎嚎!”刑堂长老为了活命,不顾一切地挥舞着双爪,向前飞奔。 “冥顽不灵的家伙,我要将你碎尸万断!”岳阳发现这家伙明知是死路一条,还要拉美妇人同时于尽,怒火简直可以烧毁半边天。他闪电般追上去,五指深深地扎进刑堂长老的背心,本想将他的心脏挖出来,来个一击穿心的秒杀,但刑堂长老为了求生,亡命加速飞奔,竟然让他逃过了一击,一下子冲到马车的边间。 岳阳愤怒得脸孔都变形了,如同恶魔。 他极速滑铲过去,双腿夹住刑堂长老的右腿,一个倒竖蜻蜓,将刑堂长老整个身躯抽提到半空。 曲身一甩,刑堂长老身不由己地飞砸出去,形成高高的抛物线……还没有落地,那边愤怒得无以复加的岳阳已经自马车抽出月刃扑了上来。 “我让你狠毒,我让你颠狂,我让你同归于尽,我让你死也要拉个垫尸底!”岳阳月刃重斩,一时间血花断肤碎肉横飞。刑堂长老一落地,愤怒的岳阳就砍了他的四肢,再在那熊化几乎消失的身上狂斩了十数刀,刑堂长老整个就像屠夫刀下的死猪,身体零件散落一地。当浑身是血的岳阳最后一次高高举起月刃,准备砍下他的首级时,忽然有人在远处遥遥一声大喝:“住手!” “住手……现在停手还来得及!” 有个须发俱白脸色红润的老人骑着一匹巨鹿飞奔过来,人没到,声音已经先到。 岳冰一看此人,脸有喜色,神色无比激动:“五爷爷,您得为我们主持公道!我们没有错,都是他们迫哥哥出手的,是他们欺负人……” 那骑鹿老人赶到,这时才看到满地变成了屠宰场,血腥刺鼻,死伤无数,哀号遍野,一下惊得目瞪口呆。 饶他是经历无数大风大浪的人,也禁不住吓了一大跳。 事情弄得这么糟? 看来,四房这祸闯大了! “三儿,不管这事是对是错,你都先把武器放下来。你现在要是杀了刑堂长老,不管你之前有多对,也不管你先前受到什么欺凌,最后你都会变得大错特错!听你五爷爷一句劝,放下武器,趁事情还有最后转弯的余地!海哥不在,三大长老也闭关不出,现在阿山是代家主,你跟他对抗,强蛮地干是不行的!听你五爷爷的话,先放下武器,在这里等着,我去找海哥回来……如果你有道理,不怕跟他们理论,五爷爷一直支持你们,但是刑堂长老一定不能杀,这也许是一个弃子,你是聪明的小家伙,我想你,应该能听懂我的话才对!”骑鹿老人赶紧劝说岳阳。 “以前我是个孤儿,又是个废柴,人人欺凌,我无依无靠,为了活命,只能咬牙承受。不过,自四娘收留我之后,我才重新拥有母亲,重新拥有一个温暖的小家!在那时,我就下定决心,谁要破坏我的家,谁要伤害我的母亲,那他就算是皇帝,我也照杀不误!”岳阳目光冷酷如冰,一字一句地回答:“今天,我这个废柴小三就要用血来告诉世人,想欺负我,可以,只要拳头比我大、道理比我足就行!不过,想伤害我的家人,不管是谁,杀无赦!” 岳阳举起那把鲜血梁红的月刃,目光坚定如铁,重重地斩下。 原来奄奄一息的刑堂长老,脖子血光喷涌,那颗变形的人头骨碌碌地滚开数米之外。 骑鹿老人看了,沉痛地闭上眼睛,摇了摇头,又长长地叹了一口气:“三儿,我知道你心里委屈,但你这又是何苦?这一刀下去,事情就难以挽回了!” 浴血浑身形同恶魔的岳阳哈哈大笑起来:“男儿大丈夫,如果连家人都保护不了,那还算是什么男儿?别说一个死有余辜死不足息的刑堂长老,就是再牛逼的人,再强势的武者,我一样要将他斩杀刀下!谁想动我家人一根头发,除非在我的尸体上跨过去!” 听见儿子这么一说,美妇人顿时激动得大哭起来。 就连一向倔强的岳冰小姑娘,也掩面痛哭,珠泪断线珍珠那般,一颗颗在指缝间滴落。 那位骑鹿老人,听了岳阳这番说话,既是连连点头,又是长长叹息,似乎心情非常的复杂,最后,定了定心神,又劝道:“三儿,既然你认定了,那五爷爷也不多说。我希望你留在这里,不要走开,万事等我找到海哥,待他回来主持大局。三儿,你的脾气很像你父亲,可是过刚易折啊,当年要不是他……唉,三儿,你的心情,我是理解的,但五爷爷人轻言微,能帮你的不多……你们先等在这里,任何人的挑衅都不要理会,不要中计,我马上就去把海哥找回来!”








การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Every war beast, there are weaknesses. The biggest difference between war beast, that the weapons were unable to find a powerful animal fighting weakness, and weak beast of war, anyone can be seen at a glance. Strengthening class war beast, seemingly no weaknesses, it is not as limiting the number of attacks has elements of class war beast, nor war beasts beast of war can not protect the owner at the time of the attack, as a special class, the vast majority are life lines, they were called in the slag residue, not more than that. Strengthening the Department of war beast, from the surface it appears to be the most superior because it integrally with the owner, the owner's enhanced strength ...... but in mainland China Dragon, anyone knows that strengthening the Department of war beast, there will certainly be a fatal weakness, once The fatal weakness is hit, then do not debate or animal host, are very vulnerable to hit! And the war has strengthened the Warrior class battle beast, just do one thing, that is to find out weaknesses, and then be hit severely. Even Yueyang now! Originally Yueyang students to strengthen the class war beast know much, but when you go to castles in the air, knowledgeable falling Santo, with interest to impart some knowledge to fight this beast silly not even know the basics of small thieves ...... Among them, there are weaknesses mentioned Tiezhua bear! Obtained after Tiezhao bear's blessing, the owner skin tough as leather, bone, hard as iron, fingers as claws, the body not only bulletproof, but mighty. But it also has a very obvious weakness, it is the chest, there is a half-moon white printing, just hit, then the owner and battle beasts are subject to multiple injuries more serious than usual! "Boom!" Criminal court of elders that bear Juzhua waving empty. Banging on the ground. Suddenly, the stone-paved road four modernizations five lobes, gravel Jijian, deep hole, and spider-shaped fissures appeared in the original flat surface. "To hell with you!" Just hit, just Yueyang body afterimage. Yueyang students have runaway, his action had already gone beyond the criminal court elders speed the eye can see, his whole spiral swirls the air, and with this helix forces to bear after the criminal court of elders headlong into a chest truncate tip, deeply submerged. In criminal court elders weakness hit, suffering Canhao the same time, his fist to the left uppercut, right uppercut, uppercut, straight punch, plus a chain around beat swept elbow. Finally, Yueyang cheetah-like jump up, his hands tightly criminal court by the elders of the head, directed his face gradually lift the door of a bear, a crazy knee hit through direct collections of his teeth was broken, collapsing fly. Blood elders spent criminal court Jijian out facial features, looks abnormal terror. Deep sorrow the criminal court found his weakness elders was broken, war beast near death, suddenly panic, desperate to turn around, you want to escape. But he was disoriented, toward the direction of the United States turned out to be the carriage where there ...... two women stare enforcement of sentences in red hand, the boss feel powerless on their own, to the imminent death, no mercy will not escape Bale, also grappling with other people trying to protect the mother? Dying wish that scapegoat? Hearts crazy again, and then hatred, nor so be it? To do so, simply to force the other side to kill himself ...... positive beat, but determined effort to hijack someone else's mother and sister, which is too far, right? In fact, in the eyes of both of them, if not criminal Presbyterian Church struggling with force, the three little scrap wood will not send Biao Biao would not even anger in this way, it will not non-kill him not! Now the situation is very clear, three young master actually been in penance combat skills, but hidden and not fat, their own secret practitioners, family no one knows, after the book contract, three young master is likely to want to go home to wash waste Chai name, it met with such a thing, so he does not want to have to die outbreak! This is forcing the tiger hill ah! "Hao Hao Hao Hao Hao!" Criminal court elders in order to survive, desperately waving a claw, flying forward. "Stubborn guy, I want you cut off!" Yueyang found this guy knows to be a dead end, but also Latin American woman to do the same time, anger can burn almost half the sky. His lightning to catch up, fingers deep into the criminal court elders vest, wanted to dig out his heart to a heart of a breakdown spike, but the criminal court elders to survive, desperate to accelerate the flying, but she He escaped a hit, suddenly rushed to the edge between the carriage. Yueyang rage faces are deformed, like the devil. His speed in the past sliding tackles, legs clamped criminal court right leg elders, stood a dragonfly, the criminal court mentioned elder whole body pumping air. Bowed toss criminal court elders involuntarily fly drop out, forming a high parabola ...... has not landed, there was no anger to be added Yueyang has rushed to embrace self-carriage drawn on edge. "I will let you vicious, I let you madness, I let you die, I will let you pull a pad corpse dies at the end!" Yueyang re-cut on edge, a time spent off the skin blood flying meat. Church elders punishment a floor, angry Yueyang'll cut his limbs, and then almost disappeared in the bear's body of mad cut a dozen knives, criminal court throughout the elders like dead pig butcher sword, body parts scattered on the ground . When bloodied Yueyang last aloft on edge, ready to cut off his head, and suddenly someone in the distance distant loud shout: "Stop! " " Stop ...... now too late to stop the hand! " There is a white beard and hair all ruddy-old riding a Julu flew over, people are not that sound has first. Yue Bing see this man face had lit up, look very excited: "Five Grandpa, you get justice for us that we are not wrong, they are forced brother shot, they bully people ......!" That old man riding a deer drive to, then I saw the floor into a slaughterhouse, bloody pungent, numerous casualties, wail everywhere, look aghast. Rao, he is experienced many storms of the people, can not help but shocked. Things get so bad? It seems, four bedrooms and a big break this curse! "Three children, no matter what is right or wrong, you have put down arms. Now if you kill a criminal court elders, no matter how much before you right, regardless of what you have previously been bullied, and finally you will become big Special wrong wrong! Listen to your grandfather sentence of five to persuade, to lay down their arms, while things have one last turn of room! Haige not, the three elders not to retreat, now Assan behalf of home owners, you fight with him, very strong to dry is not! hear you five grandfather, first lay down their arms, wait here, I went back ...... Haige makes sense if you are not afraid with their theory, the five grandpa always support you, but elders must not kill the criminal court This may be a sacrifice, you are clever little guy, I think you should be able to understand me better! "the old man riding a deer quickly persuade Yueyang. "Before I was an orphan, and is a waste wood, bullying everyone, I helpless, in order to survive, can only bite the bear. However, since Siniang take me, I only have a mother again, again have a warm little home! At the time, I decided, who will destroy my family, those who hurt my mother, even if he is the emperor, and I is not wrong according to kill! "Yueyang eyes cold as ice, a single word answer : "Today, my three little scrap wood will use blood to tell the world that want to bully me, you can, as long as the fist bigger than I am, the truth than my foot on the line, however, want to hurt my family, no matter who, no survivors! ! " Yueyang raised that the blood Liang's on edge, eyes firm, such as iron, heavily Zhanxia. The original criminal court dying elders, neck spewing carnage, sinking deformed head Gu Lulu to go away a few meters away. Elderly riding deer looked painfully close your eyes, shook his head, and a long sigh: "Three children, I know your heart wronged, but you this is why the knife down, things will be difficult to restore? ! the " whole body just like the bloody devil Yueyang laugh: "man a real man, even if the family can not protect, it still is what man let alone an insufficient interest in the prestige of the dead elders criminal court, is again Niubi people? then a strong Warrior, I do want him beheaded by the sword! Who wants to move my family a hair, unless cross on my body in the past! " heard his son say, the United States and the woman suddenly burst into tears with excitement . The notoriously stubborn mountain of ice girl, also break out crying, Zhu Lei is so broken pearl, dolphin dripping between the fingers. Elderly man riding a deer, listening to Yueyang These words, both nodded, but also a long sigh, it seems that the mood is very complex, and finally, set a fixed mind, and advised: "Three children, since you identified, that five grandpa is not to say I hope you stay here, do not go away, so I find Haige everything until he came back over the overall situation. Three children, your temper like your father, but just too easy to break, ah, year If he had not ...... oh, three children, your feelings, I understand, but five people lightly micro grandpa, help your little ...... you first wait here, anyone provocation Do not bother, do not in the design, I immediately went back to Haige find! " " Thanks, but I now this scrap wood small three do not die, but with the strength to tell the family, do not let our patience capacity as cowardly! Our four rooms today can not bear, and I want to take Siniang, Binger and return to his wife's family castle Shuanger! welcome regardless of loyalty to family, or not welcome, we have to come back, take back our dignity ...... I would have He said that no matter who is the enemy out of the way, stopped the instant death, to see who would dare to stop me with Siniang home! "Yueyang roar, distant onlookers loyalty to guard scared terrified, flee for their lives. "You like this, how can we get on loyalty to the castle? Three children, you know, family and some people are hoping you do ah!" The old man riding a deer than Ku Quan. "Even if Daoshanhuohai, I have on my Siniang good patient, but my son did not watched bullied her and then stand there Siniang, only me;!! I have today, there are four Mother! "Yueyang a hand-held blade in one hand and pulled the body of a dead horse reins. He will be that blood-stained rope, pulling on his shoulders, pulling the carriage, she keeps. Dignity, can not rely on the others given. With both hands, with strength, it will fight back ...... in a complex for the elderly in the eyes of riding deer, red execution was under the watchful eye of shaking hands, bloody covered wagon pulled Yueyang, a step by step through his wife's family set, step by step to step to go to his wife's family castle. His path, loyalty to guard, or tribe, was the lookout and scattered all horror! Yueyang looked up and look over the distant Mid-Levels extremely tall majestic castle loyalty, and then look at the sky, the hearts of combustion waves of blood: cups male, are you looking at it? I really hope you can see here, I will for you to get back your lost dignity!

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Every beast, there is a weakness.

beast wars between the biggest difference lies in Wu, unable to find the weakness of strong beast wars, and weak to fight a monster, any person's one eye can be seen.

reinforced beast wars, appear to have no weaknesses. Unlike elements of the Beast Wars as limiting the number of attacks, also unlike war beasts war monster in attack can not protect the owner, as a kind of special, most are living, is known to the world for slag slag, it can not be compared. Strengthen the Department of war beast, since the surface appears to be the most advantageous, because it is one with the host, enhance the strength of the owner...... But in the dragon, everyone knows a little,Strengthen the Department of war beast, certainly there will be a fatal weakness, once the fatal weakness is hit, then not a battle beast or master, are very easy to be hit!

and have strengthened the war beast warrior war, only need to do one thing, that is to find out the weakness, hard to be hit. Even if Yueyang now!

originally Yueyang students for reinforced Beast Wars don't know much, but to a castle in the air, knowledgeable castellan of flower, it is interesting to taught some knowledge of war beast to the silly Xi Xi is even the basic knowledge do not know the little thief... Which have mentioned ironclaw

, bear weakness!

Get the blessing of iron claw bear, master skin toughness, such as leather, Jian bone such as iron fingertips like claws, the body not only of invulnerability and force is infinite.

but it also has a very obvious weakness, that's chest, a half moon white printing, if hit, then master and beast wars will suffer more than usually more serious damage to several times!

"bang!" The bear claw Huaju penalty hall elder waved empty. Banging on the ground.

all of a sudden, stone paved road four five lobed, gravel plash, fissures in the deep hole, and the spider, in the original flat pavement.

"fuck you!" Just hit,Just like the body of Yueyang. Has runaway Yueyang classmates, his action had already gone beyond the punishment hall elder eyes can see the speed, his whole person spiral whipped half empty, and with the help of the spiral force, to bear the punishment hall elder chest headlong into a truncated gun head, deep into. In punishment hall elders weakness hit, suffering miserable howl at the same time, his fist, left hook, right hook, uppercut, straight punch, serial beaten plus about elbow sweep. Finally, Yueyang cheetah like jump up, hands in tight punishment hall elder's head, blunt he slowly dissolve bear's noodles door, hit a frantic knee, direct his tooth broken,Crash. In the hall the elder blood

criminal features of splashing out, like abnormal terror.

are in deep sorrow the punishment of church elders found that his weakness was broken, the Beast Wars nearly died, suddenly panic, desperate to turn round, want to escape.

but he ran to the direction, confused and disoriented, turned out to be a beautiful woman in the wagon...... Two stunned to see the red executions in military, to his boss feel powerless, on the eve of death without mercy escape also fills, but also grappling with people trying to protect mother? Want to die the scapegoat


heart crazy again, and hatred, nor can it?

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ภาษาอื่น ๆ
การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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