Aze-sama, it's terrible. Beriunan clan seems to have carried out the plan."
Hey now, high elf-sama, I think you shouldn't let out such sound since you're maiden. While Lua-san is wiping the bits of pudding that Aialize-san was eating until just now, Aialize-san asks the elf-san who's intruded again. What's this person's name again? Oh right, she's Roa-san, Jia-san's big sister if I'm not mistaken.
"And the result?!"
"It seems to be a success. There is no vacancy. There's only one injured person who touched the world tree because he was flustered and suffered a burn."
Good, it's a success.
However, according to the plan, this Boruenan village should have been the first to perform the extermination plan so we can follow-up if there's anything wrong with the plan. Did some arrangement change?
"thev becom the intial scrifce, so isnt good."
Arisa is talking some unknown words while chewing the garnish peach from the pudding a la mode. Good grief, so ill-mannered.
"Arisa, don't talk when you still have something in your mouth."
Liza gives her a warning faster than me, but--
"You have to properly savor the taste, don't talk. Otherwise, it's a sacrilege against the delicious meal."
--the point of the warning seems to differ a bit.
Per Liza's warning, Arisa talks after she's chewed her food.
"They've become the initial sacrifice, so isn't it good. With this, don't that mean the secret operation will be safely done?"
I have talked the matter about the jellyfish up to the things allowed by Aialize-san to Arisa and Nana. Of course, since I wasn't allowed to talk about the role of the world tree and the impact if the plan failed, I didn't talk to them about it.
Although, since Arisa has learned various theories about ether from the elf elder-san together with me, and read a lot of books that she's got from the elves as thanks for the food, I feel that she's found out about it on her own.
"There is no change to our plan."
"I understand. As planned let everyone beside the observer to take some rests for today, and tomorrow."
Right when Aialize-san's stopped her words that sounds like it's come from a different person, Roa-san runs toward the Fairy Ring with overflowing vigor just like when she entered the room. What an energetic person.
500-strong elves have gathered in the observatory area. Everyone is a veteran whose level is more than 30. They had been continuously working to put the jellyfish to sleep and capture them in ice cages for ten days, alternating in three turns.
They will be divided into three groups; one group is taking the jellyfish outside the world tree with the four light ships, another group is dragging the jellyfish with spirit magic with Aialize-san as the chief, and the last group is riding a golem that looks like a tank with many legs to launch the jellyfish beyond the void sky using wind magic and nature magic.
I'm on the bench since if the elves can't exterminate the pests on their own, it will be troubling if they're suffering from jellyfish problem again in several hundreds years.
Of course, I'm standing by in the command room where Jia-san is, for if anything happens.
"Now, Boruenan children! The jellyfish cage operation has started! Let's do it carefully and happily!"
Aialize-san declares the start of the operation to the elves in the void sky by using [Mass Telephone]. It seems the instruction from the control tower is performed through communication magic tools. The elves working in the void sky are carrying communication devices that are as small as a mobile phone. It seems to be many times more advanced than even the com tool I've obtained from the hero Hayato.
With movements so slow it might irritate you, they begin moving the ice cages with the jellyfish inside to outside of the world tree little by little.
It seems that they didn't cut the jellyfish's feelers when they captured them in the ice cages, the feelers tangle with the world tree when the cages are lifted, breaking several branches.
I can see twinkling lights like they're from fragment of glasses, or rather, torn frost from where I am.
What a waste.
Having mentality of the poor, I couldn't overlook the world tree branches that were falling from the gravity. When I come to, I have already used sky drive and ground shrink to gather the ones that can be saved into my storage.
However, in the end, this slightly shameful behavior ends up saving many elves' life.
The quiet void sky becomes noisy slightly after this.