三日后.长沙城.听泉居“我说,解九啊,你看了今天的花名册没?今天这几件可全是好东西,别的不说,那只环珠九转玲珑玉镯就是见难得的珍品,早先我听 การแปล - 三日后.长沙城.听泉居“我说,解九啊,你看了今天的花名册没?今天这几件可全是好东西,别的不说,那只环珠九转玲珑玉镯就是见难得的珍品,早先我听 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด
























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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
3rd. Changsha city. Quan ju"I said, and nine, have you read today's rosters yet? Today, which is a good thing, to say the least, that ring beads turn nine exquisite bracelet is a rare treasure, I heard old people say, really did not expect to see, this is fate, today I'll have to win it, the girl will love, start with the good, you won't Rob me! "Nine silent solutions – at a glance at him doing this.This spring is the city's largest teahouse, but is also an antique auction. Here every once in a while there will be a large auction exhibit things that are on the market to see what is true or false, it depends on the individual's ability to judge.Box sitting in droves, and dude in the store also began a long, until after the Bell will start to each box in the guest, though many people, but it does not make any noise, they are quiet waiting for the auction to begin. Until the dude finally delivered to a box.It is a lamp.Originally only a whisper of the tea house suddenly becomes silent, then comes the numerous breath and talk, finally all the voices into applause. --Rich, really rich.狗五本来对这次的拍卖志在必得,谁知却突然看见这盏灯的出现,虽是千般不满,但也却无可奈何,只希望对方是个打肿脸充胖子的人,没多少钱最后被他把灯点爆。默默诅咒着点天灯的人,心里却很好奇对方到底是谁,可是对方似乎有意与诸人作对般,任凭场内如何议论,也不将帘子拉开,只有灯光幽幽的亮着,给人无限神秘之感。第一轮的拍卖便是狗五心心念念的那只镯子。不管其他包厢怎么加价,那个包厢里的人都没有一点动静,青灯静静的燃着,丝毫没有会被他们点爆的迹象。等到第一轮拍卖结束,那只镯子终是归了那个包厢里的主。众人虽然失望,但却也松了一口气,最后一次的叫价简直到了天价,若是自己拍了还真不一定能承受的住,同时又暗暗庆幸:那个包厢里的主看起来很有钱,但是他既然花了这么大价钱拍了这只镯子,大概一时也没能力和自己来抢夺稍后的东西了。第二轮即将开始,正当众人心情大好之时,却看见伙计又为那间包厢里送上一盏灯,包厢里的一名伙计立马接了过来替那位主挂在了包厢里,青色的灯火又幽幽的燃起。还让不让人活了!众人心里悲愤的想到。事情还远远没有停止,拍卖行已经进行一个半时辰,这位主在又一次天价拍得第二件藏品后又点了第三件藏品的灯,面对这种场景,众人已然无力,只能默默祈求对方能够手下留情,让自己今日有点收获,好在对方将第三件藏品收入囊中后停下了疯狂的脚步。见此情景,众人心中终于放松下来,却在下一刻傻了眼——那件包厢的帘子缓缓的拉开,里面坐的不是别人,正是张启山张大佛爷!而他身边坐的女子,正是关家的三小姐!张启山悠悠的起身,看见狗五解九和齐老八都坐在对面的包厢里,狗五呆呆的望向自己,而解九和齐老八却是一副早在意料之中的神情朝这边望着。四周都是一片寂静,包厢里的人都看着张启山,他扫视了众人一眼,就一言不发的带着关小姐离开了会场。丝毫不管他走后整个拍卖场里是如何的沸反盈天。两个时辰前.张启山的包厢中.关小姐冷冷的看着张启山点起第一盏灯,并不阻止,只是问了句“你要干嘛”张启山也未多做解释,只是笑了一下说“这次的镯子是个难得的东西,我看着配你合适”一个时辰后,关小姐见张启山又点起一盏灯,忍不住说“张启山,你今天把我叫到这来就是为了让我看你点灯?”“我叫你来是为什么你不清楚么?张启山幽幽的反问了一句,对方显然没想到他会这么问,愣了一下,突然就沉默了下来,张启山看她没有作答也没说什么只是悠然的翻着手里的花名册。半晌,关小姐说“我若是不答应呢?”“那我就一直点着灯,直到你答应为止啊。”张启山笑着回答。“你点几盏灯是你的事,到时候没钱付账不要扯上我”关小姐皱了皱眉瞪了张启山一眼“怎么会,这几个钱我张家还是出的起的,再说了,我怎么会把你。。”似是想到了什么,张启山又忽然不言,关小姐见他这样也没继续追问,二人就这么静静的坐着,仿佛外面的事与他们都无关。直到张启山准备燃起第四盏灯。一只素净的手伸到张启山面前“别再点了”张启山抬起头说“我不是说过么,你什么时候答应,这灯什么时候灭”关小姐眯起眼睨了他半天,冷冷的哼了一声,“灭了你那盏灯,我答应便是”张启山嘴角终是染上了一抹笑容“好,听你的”慢慢的拉开帘子,看着狗五他们的神情,张启山简直觉得自己此时的心情好的不得了。随后转身,牵起身边人的手,头也不回的走出了包厢。“你喜欢什么样的花饰?”“下下个月初五是个好日子吧?”“你希望人多点么?”“张启山,我第一次发现你这么罗嗦”
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Changsha City. Tingquan Habitat Three days later , "I said, nine solutions, ah, you have not read today's roster? Today these pieces can be all good stuff, to say the least, it would only turn nine exquisite ring bead bracelet is to see the rare treasures, earlier I hear older people say, really did not expect to see, this is fate, Today I have to give it to win, that girl certainly looked like it, start with the good, You can not allow and I grab "solution 9 slightly looked at him speechless! - Why do they want this stuff. This ranking is the city's largest Tingquan teahouse, but also a antique auctions. Here every once a while there will be a large auction, display things that are available in the market did not see a thing, as is true, then look at the ability of the individual judge. The box after another to sit with people, the store also began a busy man, until the point after, they began to send each guest boxes bell, though there are many people, but it is not noisy, people were just quiet waiting for the start of the auction. Until the last thing folks to a box. It was a lamp. Originally, only a little teahouse whispers suddenly become silent, and then came the sound and suction is countless discussions, all the voices have become final applause. - Rich, really rich Lord. Five of the dogs have been determined to win the auction, who knows but I suddenly saw this light appear, although the offer all kinds of discontent, but it was nothing, just hope the other person is a hat and no cattle, not how much money he was last explosion lit the lamp. Silently cursing point day light man, the heart is very curious about who it is in the end, but the other seems intent and Morohito against like, how to talk despite the venue, nor the curtain opened, only the faint light lit, giving unlimited sense of mystery. The first round of the auction is to care deeply about the bird dog five bracelets. No matter how others fare box, the box that people are not little movement, a lighted lamp in quietly, and no sign will be their point of explosion. Wait until the first round of the auction, it would only return the bracelet end is the main boxes. Although all disappointed, but also relieved, and the last asking price almost to the price, if not necessarily his own shot really afford to live, but also secretly glad: the box in the main seem a lot of money, but Since he spent so much price took only bracelets, probably the moment there is no ability to snatch later and their own things. The second round is about to begin, just when everybody feel good, but also for that room saw the man brought in a light box, the box of a man who immediately took over for the main hanging in the box, blue and faint lights ignite. Also allows people to live without! All my heart to think of grief. Things are far from stopping, the auction house has been a half-hour, the Lord looks at another price point and then holding the second member of the third piece collection of lamps, the face of this scenario, everyone is already weak, only We can silently pray for the other party to be lenient so that they gain a little bit today, but fortunately the other side of the third member holding the bag after stopping a frenzied pace. Seeing this, the hearts of everyone finally relaxed, but the next moment perplexing - that piece of curtain slowly opened the box, which sits none other than Zhang Qi-Shan Buddha! The woman sitting next to him, he was off home three Miss! Qi-Shan leisurely up, saw the dog and Qi Skiles nine five solutions are sitting opposite the box, the dog five blankly look to their own, and the solution Skiles IX and Qi is look toward the pair as early as expected Looking at the side. Surrounded by silence, people are looking at the box Zhang Qi Shan, he scanned the crowd one, he took Kwan left the meeting without saying a word. No matter where he left the auction field is how boiling anti-surplus days. The first two hour. Zhang Qi Mountain in the box. Zhang Qi Kwan looked cold mountain lit the first lamp, does not prevent, but asked the sentence 'are you doing, "Zhang Qi mountains not do more to explain, just smiled and said," This bracelet is a rare thing I watched with you right " after an hour, Miss Zhang Qi Guan see mountain and lit a lamp, could not help saying, "Zhang Qi Shan, you called me to come here today just to let me see you lighting?" "My name is you do not know why you come to it? Qi-Shan faint asked the sentence, the other apparently did not think he was going to ask, stunned for a moment, suddenly fell silent, Zhang Qi mountains, she did not reply did not say anything but leisurely waving hands roster. long while, Kwan said, "If I do not answer? "" Then I would have lit the lamp until you promise so far ah. "Zhang Qi Hill answered with a smile." You point a few lights are your thing, to do something to me when the money to pay the bill, "Kwan frowned Zhang Qi Shan stared at," how can that Zhang was some money out of me played, say, how I will take you. . "What seems to think, Zhang Qi mountain and suddenly without saying, Kwan did not see him continued to question the two men sitting so quietly, as if out of things to do with them. Until Zhang Qi Shan ready to ignite fourth cup lights. a purer hands in front of Zhang Qi Mountain "Do not point," Zhang Qi Shan looked up and said, "I do not say it, when you promised, when this light is off," Kwan squinted askance him a long, cold He grunted, "You went out the lamp, I promise is" Qi-Shan mouth end is infected with a hint of a smile, "Well, listen to you," slowly drew back the curtains, watching the dog five of their look, Zhang Qi Shan just feel very, very good mood at this time. Then turn around, he gets around people's hands, and went straight out of the box. "What would you like floral? "" By next month, the fifth day is a good day, right? "" You want people point it? " "Zhang Qi Shan, I first found you so wordy"

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Three days later. Changsha City. Tingquanju

"I said, nine ah, you see today's roster? Today this a few pieces can be full of good things, other do not say, the Pearl River nine turn exquisite jade bracelet is a rare treasure. Early I listen to older people said, did not think of really can see, this is the fate, today I can give it to take, the girl look like to affirm, to say, you can don't rob with me! " Ninesage solution Speechless looked at him -- why this thing you want. It is the largest Tingquanju teahouse throughout the city, but also an antiques auction. There's a large auction every time there's a second.,The things on display are not seen in the market, as for true or false, the ability to judge a person's judgment..

box 66 continuously and continued in the seat, the waiter in the store began to busy, until the point in the future, began to bell of each box in the guest, although there are a lot of people, but not noisy, they are just quiet waiting for start of the auction. Until the man finally sent the final thing to a box.. It's a lamp.

had only a little whisper of teahouse Lytton became silent, subsequently and those who come is countless inspiratory sound and discussion. Finally, all the sound into a round of applause. - money, it's the Lord of the money..

dog five originally auction of the chi to win, who knows but suddenly see the light, though much dissatisfaction, but also helpless, only hope that each other is a swollen face charge fat people, didn't have much money was finally he put the lamp explosion. Silently curse the sky lanterns, the heart is very curious about each other exactly is who, but the other seems intent on with various person against like, let inside how to talk about, nor will the curtain back, only faint light bright, give a person infinite mystery. The first round of the auction is very dirty dog five keep thinking about. No matter how other fare box

, the box where people are nothing,Light still burning, no explosion of the signs they will be. Wait until the end of the first round of the auction, the final return to the bracelet in the box is the main. All though disappointed, but also breathed a sigh of relief, the last bid almost to the price, if he shot really can not bear to live, and secretly glad: the master of the box seemed to have a lot of money, but he now spend such a big price took the bracelet, about 1:00 also not ability and their later to snatch things.

second round is about to begin, as all the good mood when they saw the man, and send a lamp for the balcony,A man at the box took over for the main hanging on the balcony, light blue lights and faint.

also allows people to live! Think of all the heart of grief.

that is far from stopped, auction houses have been carried out in a half hour, the Lord in another price taken after the second piece of the collection and the lights of the three pieces of the collection, facing such scene, they are unable to, can only pray silently each other show mercy to, let this day have their own harvest. Fortunately, the other will be the third collection bag stopped the crazy pace.

seeing this, people finally relax,But in the next moment silly eye -- the balcony curtain slowly opened, inside sit not others is Zhang Qishan Big Buddha! And the woman sitting beside him, is the three Miss Guan home!

Zhang Qishan slowly got up and saw the dog five solutions of nine and eight are sitting in the opposite box, five dogs stared at to himself and the solution nine and eight is a vice as early as expected look toward the side looked at. Silence all around, box at Zhang Qishan. He scans the public eye, speechless with Miss left the meeting. No matter when he left the auction to cause a shocking commotion.

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