#1204: Perfect monstruous talent
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Because, Chu Feng and Liu Bingqi is different, the Chu Feng strength startled is a beauty, simply may be called inconceivable. Properly speaking, the Chu Feng strength is so outstanding, in technique of Formation, should receive very big limit to be right, but Chu Feng does not have, how did this ask the people able not to exclaim in surprise?
Wholeheartedly the dual purpose, to the people of their this boundary, is not so.
Therefore to their this boundaries, to have an achievement, must study one. If technique of martial cultivation and Formation, wants to pursue perfectly, puts in the same level energy, often will create, both boundary incorrect tragedy,
This causes, bellipotent person, even if has Spirit power, is the strength in technique of Formation, not necessarily is very strong.
On for example Azure Tree Mountain, many disciple have Spirit power actually, but the technique of Formation is intrepid, is few, because their most people pursue, is the martial cultivation boundary, with intrepid strength.
But also some people, although strength does not go against heaven's will very much, is the technique of Formation is terrorist, Liu Bingqi is this person, even in the attainments in technique of Formation, Liu Bingqi may also be called the monstruous talent level.
In fact, the strength goes against heaven's will, is the technique of Formation is outstanding, so long as arrives at certain boundary, can be called the monstruous talent.
Because in same level cultivation for below , many formidable World Spiritist, only rely on the technique of World Spirit, can defeat Cultivator that the strength has gone against heaven's will.
In Holy Land of Martialism, actually has this kind of living case, great World Spiritist, cultivation, although high, but the strength is very ordinary, how regardless of he does, his strength is only common, has not displayed slightly unusually.
However in the technique of Formation, he has the unusual talent, can grasp fast, other people lean its life, method that is unable to have.
Therefore, he then gives up the pursue in strength, studies the strength in technique of Formation, causing gradually, his all attack methods, are the techniques of Formation, even if did not summon World Spirit, he also has the extremely terrifying strength.
, He went against heaven's will the strength Cultivator to fight with a strength finally on the 1st, although they were the same level cultivation are, but that Cultivator, had to go against heaven's will the strength, not only the strength terror, was grasping innumerable formidable Martial Technique, attacked the method to be quite scary.
The technique of Formation but that World Spiritist, grasps with oneself unexpectedly, battles for ten days with Cultivator that strength goes against heaven's will ten nights, finally also achieved this success.
But that great World Spiritist, lives now in this world, and also has joined one of the nine potentials, master alliance.
He is present Holy Land of Martialism, one of the greatest World Spiritist, is the best representative of technique of monstruous talent level character World Spirit.
Therefore , the strength goes against heaven's will, is Formation is outstanding, can be called the monstruous talent.
The people thought that Chu Feng is the monstruous talent in strength, Liu Bingqi is the monstruous talent in Formation aspect.
However now, they actually discovered that they made a mistake.
Because besides two monstruous talent, monstruous talent, this monstruous talent not only strength goes against heaven's will actually, the technique of Formation has also been equal, can achieve to keep one eye on, two laws with cultivation.
In profound merit technique of Martial Technique and World Spirit, can obtain the strength that the average man is unable to grasp.
This person, is very few, is called the perfect monstruous talent.
But the present, Chu Feng seems to be close, this standard, how did this ask the people able not to exclaim in surprise?
„Snort, but has the strength of golden Formation, this did not represent is Gold-cloak World Spiritist.”
„The Gold-cloak World Spiritist standard, is very high, but this mainly manifests to the utilization of technique of Formation, I do not believe this Chu Feng, can reach the Gold-cloak World Spiritist level.”
In the people exclaimed in surprise in Chu Feng golden Formation, Liu Bingqi actually contemptuous sneering in heart, him, competes the method of Lian Bing with Chu Feng, he must win without doubt, and ends oppressive Chu Feng.