his friend did not take his words seriously. None of them notice the liquor store's owner drowned body floating nearby. The next day, Ter (Nuttapong Chartpong), saw a corpse wearing a distinctive looking wedding ring in the backyard, and the same one on Nak's finger. The remaining two friends started to believe Shin and Ter, but none of them actually tried bending over and looking at Nak between their legs to confirm that she is a ghost (which is an advice shared by Shin). What ensued is their desperate and comical attempts to get the message to Mak without alerting Nak, and Nak's "dinner" made of dry leaves and live worms that Mak enthusiastically encouraged their friends to try. After the four flat out said Nak is dead, Mak became angry with them for letting the rumor get the better of them, and told them to leave. Unwilling to leave their friend behind, the four conspired to "free" Mak from his wife.