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andresal 24-12-2015 20:44
Wow, you are an artist!!
In my opinion, your stile is like the one of Vincent Van Gogh.
One day, you will become a really famous painter,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
I hope that we will keep in touch.
andresal 24-12-2015 20:37
Wow, you are an artist!!
In my opinion, your stile is like the one of Vincent Van Gogh.
One day, you will become a really famous painter,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
I hope that we will keep in touch.
Please be careful with spammers or member who are suspicious. We ban all members that ask or offer to send money. We don't want this in our site.
However, if you did the right thing and did not send any money, we would very much like to hear from you.
Please contact us.
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6 ThaiFlirting Inbox (6/101) Outbox (44)Message historyREPLYandresal 24-12-2015 20:44Wow, you are an artist!!In my opinion, your stile is like the one of Vincent Van Gogh.One day, you will become a really famous painter,Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!I hope that we will keep in touch.KissesAndresandresal 24-12-2015 20:37Wow, you are an artist!!In my opinion, your stile is like the one of Vincent Van Gogh.One day, you will become a really famous painter,Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!I hope that we will keep in touch.KissesAndres Warning!Please be careful with spammers or member who are suspicious. We ban all members that ask or offer to send money. We don't want this in our site.However, if you did the right thing and did not send any money, we would very much like to hear from you.Please contact us. COPYRIGHTThaiFlirting © 2015 • Privacy PolicySSL certificate SSL certificateABOUT USContact UsFAQFacebook pageTwitter pageArticlesSHAREShare Share Share
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