Etape 1 Préparez les ingrédients Vous pouvez acheter vos cuisses de canard sous vide (c’est le plus facile à trouver). Vous trouverez la graisse de canard au supermarché, au rayon des conserves (à côté du Saindoux).
Step 1Prepare the ingredientsYou can buy your vacuum Duck legs (it is easier to find). You will find the duck fat to the supermarket, to the radius of canned (next to lard).
Step 1 Prepare the ingredients You can buy your vacuum duck legs (it's easiest to find). You will find duck fat at the supermarket, the canning radius (next Lard).
1 step prepared ingredients, you can buy your thigh duck vacuum (which is the easiest to find). You'll find out the fat duck in the supermarket, the radius of canned (next to lard) .